January 15, 2013

Last call!

Today is the last day to sign up for the Modern Mini Mystery Round Robin 2013. Looking at the list of participants that have joined in so far I know that this year's mini mystery round robin is going to be great.

So what do I like the most about these mini round robins? I love that I get to "meet" new quilters from around the world. I love that the commitment isn't a huge one and I'm able to complete my part quickly and then get it on its' way to the next person fast. I love that it is fairly inexpensive since I use scraps or small bits from my stash and the mailing costs are pretty minimal. I love that so many different people add their little spin on my center block. I love that the finished mini quilts are a collaboration of so many hands. And I absolutely love the camaraderie and sharing that comes from participating in this event.

There is still time for you to add your name to the list and not miss out on all the fun. Technically sign ups will close at Midnight today but honestly, until I get the chance to send out the group lists to everyone in a day or to, there could still be the opportunity for you to join in. My daughter is having surgery today to have her ginormous tonsils removed and her sinuses flushed out so after this bit of blogging, getting anywhere near the computer will be impossible for at least the next 36 hours.

Currently I need 4 more people to finish up the open group (sorry, it already has its' international player). Groups are be 6 players each so if I get 10 more to join in, I can create one more group (one international player per group).  Don't miss out and submit your info (name, address, phone number and blog address, if you have one) to me PDQ.

Some participants have completed their center block already but I'm still pondering what I want to do. I've figured out what color scheme I want to use and where it will hang when it is done but I haven't decided yet on what sort of block I want the center to be. I guess with all the down time I will have in the next couple of days, I'll have plenty of time to look through books and magazines for inspiration.


beaquilter said...

how many are there now?

Vicki said...

HI MICHELLE I have been wracking my brain in order to be able to join this time however I will not have the opportunity to get a center block ready before the end of the first or early second week in Feb. If you still need someone at that time let me know otherwise I'll have to pass on this one.

Vicki said...

Thinking of you and Sunshine she will at least like the ice pops

Kathy S. said...

I'm in!!! Hope Sunshine is doing well and full of ice cream right now. I bet it was a long day for you. Thinking of you guys!