January 30, 2013

Anything but normal

The title of this post is so accurate. These past weeks have been anything but normal. Sunshine was healing fairly well from her surgery but then over the weekend she got really sick and now is dealing with a sinus infection plus bronchitis. Adding nebulizer treatments 3 times a day to our otherwise busy schedule is just dandy!

There has been very little time to sew. I did manage about an hour yesterday and had hoped to finish sewing on the last border addition to the final Quilt U Be Mine block that I have to work on but dinner and jammies and then bedtime interfered with that plan. I haven't gotten a full night's sleep in 2 weeks so by the time I sit down with the kidlets to quiet them down for going to dreamland, I've been nodding off myself. That certainly puts a damper on getting back to my studio once they drift off.
In the days after Sunshine's surgery, I had expected to be able to get a bunch of sewing time in. I figured that her doses of Tylenol with Codeine would have her napping a ton. Not. I spent a great deal of time snuggling with her on the couch, watching cartoon and Disney movies. Hey anything my baby girl wanted was the rule of the day. The only thing I did manage to complete was this.

All of the Christmas decorations were boxed up and restored in the basement. I never take the tree down until after New Year's Day anyway so I figured the down time week would be the best time to do it. Besides setting up the train and the village under the tree takes a ton more work so enjoying it a little longer is a good thing.

Work has been beyond crazy. I work for a specialty vehicle dealer and we had 3 deliveries last week. Definitely not typical. The owner is currently driving the 4th one for this month back from the factory and it will likely get delivered next week. Plus the service guy got fired on Friday so I'm digging through his work pile figuring out what he left undone. Thankfully the new service guy starts Monday but all this upheaval has had me working extra days and that equals no sewing days for me. I pray that by next week, my weeks will return to the regularly scheduled program.

I still have 2 quilts to share with you once the weather cooperates and I can get some pictures of them. Then as soon as I get my center block for the Modern Mini Mystery Round Robin 2013 done and on its way to the 1st person in my group, it will be all out busy in the studio for the coming months. I have 2 quilts due by the end of April for our school's silent auction fundraiser, a baby quilt needed in May and then the 4 teacher end of year thank you gifts by mid June.

Keep your fingers crossed for me that there will be a lot less hiccups in the coming months. I really don't want to have another spring of non-stop craziness as I attempt to get all these quilts done on time.


carolyn said...

Good Morning nieghbor. Nice to meet you. Hope Sunshine gets better soon.

Diane-crewe said...

Good grief woman!! Slow down a little before you COMBUST!! x

JudyCinNC said...

Good morning blogging neighbor - love this idea that Marlene had. ou certainly do need a little mental therapy in your sewing room. I just posted about that - sometimes life takes over. Slow down and remember to breathe. Best wishes from Judy C in NC

beaquilter said...

oh wow Michelle! busy busy, family first though.... I now have a sick baby here too, after my son had strep last week!

Orange Crumpled Napkin said...

O hon, I've been there and it's real, real tough. My daughter spent the first 9 years of her life on the nebulizer until her lungs grew big enough to manage the asthma. You just described my life between 1998 and 2007. It was non-stop. The last thing you have to worry about is the Quilt U Be Mine block. Let it be late. Watching cartoons and sipping ginger tea with honey with Sunshine is way more important right now. BTW, I found regular acupuncture treatments worked miracles for strengthening those tiny lungs. Who knew?

Samantha said...

You weren't kidding in your email when you said you need to slow down a little. I hope you get to take some you time whether that means sewing or just getting to sit and enjoy the drink of your choice with your feet up! Poor little Sunshine. Spending time cuddling is more important than stressing about sewing deadlines. Thinking of you and hoping things get at least a little back to normal.

My Gran never took her Christmas stuff down until February! :D

SpartanBabe said...

Yikes! My fingers and toes are crossed. Rest assured - there are plenty of us out here sympathizing with you. AND Appreciating everything you do - for the kidlets, fam and for US! You rock michele :o)

Carol Swift said...

I love being a snoopy neighbor and checking out your blog. I always enjoy my visits here. :O)

Pippa Parsons said...

lol, I know exactly where your coming from, we've had a sick house for the whole of January and by the time the kids are sorted or I'm waking up through the night to check temperatures, give medicine, getting sleep is more important than any sewing....
Let's hope February is better for both of us.xxx