Unfortunately my 1st month of joining in on A Lovely Year of Finishes is a bust!
It isn't that I didn't want to reach my goal of sewing the binding onto the front of Jammer's 100 Good Wishes Quilt. In truth, I was really looking forward to making progress to finally get this one off the unfinished pile.
But....a nasty cold that I caught right after Christmas that over 2 1/2 weeks kept me miserable and then morphed into a sinus infection really put a big kink in any sewing mojo for half of the month. Then there was some focusing on getting caught up, normal work stuff, spending the past afternoons with 24 first graders reading books to them about TET and Chinese New Year and then completing a dragon puppet craft project and lastly helping a friend finish moving today...well you get the idea. Not much time for sewing has even been possible.
This is all that I have to show so far.
And to be totally honest, I didn't even cut them this month. These are the strips I cut off the yardage before I cut the pieces for the backing so all I've done towards my January goal was to take them out of their storage spot. Big whoop!
The month isn't officially over yet so after Sunshine's gymnastics class this afternoon, I'm going to attempt to actually complete this binding and do then a Snoopy dance. If I'm so fortunate, I'll update this post and join in the linky party hosted over at Fiber of All Sorts and Sew Bittersweet Designs.
If not, oh well. It might not have been in the cards for me this month. Given that half the month was spent ill, if I am able to get it done before the weekend is over, I'll consider it a success.