July 26, 2023

July 22, 2023

Janice's Bed Runner Quilts

 My customer Janice received a whole pile of beautiful tiny pieced blocks from the family of a quilter that had passed.  She decided to make smaller quilts with the blocks and gift them back to the family and to a charity.

The first project I quilted for her is this fabulous Red, White and Blue quilt with the 8 point stars. 

This "before" picture shows how pretty the top is even before it received it's stitching "bling".

The stars are only 4" square and the piecing is impeccable.  Whoever stitched these was a master.

Being that this one is Red, White and Blue the Shooting Stars pantograph was the right choice.

I'm sure you'll agree that it turned out very pretty.

Janice brought me bright Blue minky for the backing.  She was worried about how well it would work as she had heard stories from other quilters but this quilted up beautifully.

She chose Glide Cool Gray 3 (my go to thread for tops where White thread isn't right) for the top and So Fine Misty Blue for the backing.

We were both thrilled with the results.

The 2nd quilt was this Blue and Green Bear Paw design. Again, the center Bear Paw blocks were only 4" square.  So tiny and so perfect.

Here's the "Before" photo.

Breath of the Gods was her pantograph choice for this one and I love the way it brought gentle movement to the entire quilt.

The stitch design was subtle enough to not take away from the awesomeness that was the pieced blocks. I just can't imagine piecing blocks that tiny.

The same Blue minky backing was used for this quilt also.  I love how the stitching shows so well.

These were such a pleasure to quilt for Janice.  She told me that she has a lot more of these tiny blocks so there will be more pretty quilts from Janice to share with you in the future.

July 21, 2023

July 20, 2023

Donna's Black & Gray Bow Tie Quilt

My customer Donna brought me this Black and Gray Bow Tie quilt to help her finish. 


Here is what it looked like "before", after it was loaded on the frame.

She added a pop of color in one of the blocks.

The pantograph she chose, Bubbles, worked nicely to soften the angular lines of the piecing.













 Thread used was Glide Black on the front and Sterling in the bobbin.

The backing is a soft pale gray print with snowflakes on it.

Thank you Donna for having me quilt this for you.  I look forward to seeing your next project.














July 19, 2023

Jammer's Primary Bee Quilt

I've been feeling really good about getting long awaiting projects crossed off my To Do list. This is the newest UFO to receive my attention.

Way back in 2014 I hosted the Primary Bee. My kids wanted to participate in some sewing and I thought this would be a great way for them to connect with other kids who were sewing too. We had 12 kids, including my 2, participating.


Jammer's month was towards the bottom of the list. He only received some of the Sawtooth Star blocks in Red, White and Blue that he requested.  These are the 9 blocks that I had to work with. All but 1 were the right size so I only had to unsew the parts of 1 block to make it work.

I just had to revisit the pictures I had taken when he was working on the blocks for the bee mates.  He was such a good student and he really concentrated on doing a good job.


He was really proud of the blocks he made.

I came up with a rough plan to make a usable size quilt and pulled out my Red, White and Blue scrap mini charms to use.

Adding White sashing strips to the sides of the blocks was the first step.

Scrappy Red and Blue strips (I skipped the White) were added next and then White sashing to the tops and bottoms of each row.  Can you figure out yet where I'm going with this?













Lots more scrap mini charms are in the process of being added next so stay tuned.