This is an extremely difficult post to write and there are massive tears streaming down my face as I type this.
Those of you that have been my followers for long enough remember this 100 Good Wishes Quilt (120 good wishes actually) that I made for the Spring of 2013 for an 8 year old boy, Joey, who had been diagnosed with a very rare form of renal cancer.
Here is the picture my friend Kris sent to me of Joey and is family when she delivered the finished quilt to him.
This is Joey with his 100 Good Wishes album. That smile will always warm my heart.
So many of you, my kind and generous quilting friends, sent fabrics and wishes when I put out the call for help to make this quilt a reality and for that I can never thank you enough. I know that the quilt and the love that it contains has helped Joey and his family through this long journey.
This boy just was the sweetest. Even after receiving his diagnoses, he continued to help others.
This is a recent photo of Joey. It hurts to see just how much his poor body has endured as they continued to battle the cancer that was raging though him.
Of course, you must have deduced by the title of this post that despite trying so very hard, Joey finally has lost his battle. The cancer has won. And that makes me so very angry!
I knew it wasn't going to be long when I got the news Monday night that he was in a coma and they were med-flighting him from the hospital in Ohio back home to Gainesville. He left this world on Wednesday.
If you would like to post to his mom
Kathy's Facebook page, I'm sure the family would gain strength that will help them through the coming days.
No child should be diagnosed with Cancer let alone die from it. But he tried as best as anyone could and maintained a brave face through it all.
Joey I know you are in Heaven gazing down on your grieving family and friends and I for one am honored that you touched my life.