Wednesday, July 30, 2014

In the works and AMB tote giveaway winner

I tried to get this post written yesterday but that just didn't happen. Our computer went all berserk and then refused to reboot. This happened around Christmas time too. I told hubby it is TIME to get it replaced before it crashes for good and this momma loses important stuff.

Anyway there has been a bit of this and that going on in my studio. I got my Yellow blocks done for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.
I cut up a bunch of Green and Blue scraps to use as a leader/ender project. I'm loving the fact that I have a 2nd quilt in process while I work on my main project.
Recent days has also seen me cut up this pile of squares. What might they be for you wonder?
They are going to get turned into another 100 Good Wishes Quilt, for the daughter of another friend. I'll also be putting together the scrapbook with the wishes.
Here are all 144 pieces ready to go. I decided that I didn't like the original pattern that I was going to use for this so I had to come up with an alternate plan. Stay tuned to see.
I've also been playing with these beauties. It is Kate Spain's newest line Horizon, which is coming out in September. The colors are just gorgeous.
A few days back, while skimming through block books for ideas for future event, I had a lighting bolt moment and quickly sat at our desk and drafted it out on graph paper (Yes I still need to learn how to use my EQ but at least it is loaded into the computer now). I made some test blocks and I'm really glad that I did. It helped me see where I need to change up the pattern to make it easier. Unfortunately this is a secret project so I can't show you more than a tiny peek of what's to come. It is really exciting too.
Lastly I need to announce the winner of this American Made Brand market tote.
Mr. Random chose the number that correlates to my friend Sharon's comment.

Vroomans' Quilts said...I advertised the AMB back in May I have 2 entries - per their instructions, they cannot be shown in any way or you get disqualified - so I have kept these under wraps

Congratulations Sharon! I already have your address so I will be sending off your info to Clothworks and I'm sure your market tote will be arriving in a few days. I know that Sharon is working on a project for the Farm to Fabric Challenge  (there is still time to enter yourself) and I can't wait to see what she is designing.

Have a great day all! I'm hoping this afternoon will be a productive one in my studio.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Stunning Stitchin Sunday and AMB tote bag giveaway reminder

There is still time to enter to win this market tote from American Made Brand fabrics.
A surprise package arrived a couple of days ago and inside was one of these fabulous totes for me, a gift from Clothworks for participating in the American Made Brand Blog Tour. It really is a great tote and is now going to be one of my go-to-the-quilt-store shopping bags. Entries close at Midnight tomorrow so hop on over to the giveaway post and enter to win one of your very own.

This week's Stunning Stitchin Sunday post includes a couple of new participants.
I hope you enjoy all of today's showcase.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Are you up for a challenge plus a Giveaway

For me, participating in the American Made Brand Blog Tour was a blast. It really got my creative designer juices flowing and has pushed me onto designing more.
You could become a designer too. You could have your quilt displayed at the International Quilt Market and Festival in Houston this fall! You could become insanely famous!!!!!!

Ok so maybe not that last part. But you never know where one quilt design will lead you. All you have to do is to enter American Made Brand's Farm to Fabric Challenge.
You design a quilt made exclusively with Clothwork's American Made Brand fabrics and submit your idea by August 15th. Notifications will go out by September 5th as to which quilts are accepted and they are due in Houston by October 1st.

If you've ever wanted to have one of your quilts, something that you designed and then made reality with fabric, in a prestigious show now is your chance. Submit your entry today! All the details can be found here.

American Made Brand wants to spread the word about this fabulous challenge far and wide and I'm more than happy to help and just for doing so, they are sponsoring another giveaway for one of my readers. To the winner they will send this great American Made Brand market tote, sans veggies unfortunately.
It is 13' x 15” and is perfect for visiting farmer’s markets or toting a sewing project. The logo is printed on both sides and, of course, the bag is also made in the US of A. : )

To get your chance to win, I'd like for you to help spread the word about this Farm to Fabric Challenge too.
For each shout out on your own blog, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any other social media site that I can't think of at this early hour, you will get one entry. Plus anyone who is submitting a quilt design to the challenge gets a bonus entry. In (1) comment each, just tell me all of the entry possibilities you are doing.

The giveaway will close at Midnight, Monday July 28th and the winner will be announced on Tuesday. Let's light up the interweb about this fabulous opportunity. If you've ever had big designing dreams, this could be your moment.

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Final chances

Hurry up will ya! Today is your last chance to enter the Classic Metal Company giveaway.
You can win your choice of a 24" x 24" barn quilt in the color of your choice.
Plus you also get to pick one of the ruler holders in your block and color choice.
Entries close at Midnight so don't wait. Click on over to the giveaway post to put your name in the hat for this awesome prize package.

In addition there are still a few more days to enter for your chance to win one of these gorgeous quilts over on my friend Sarah's blog Confessions of a Fabric Addict.
She is helping her daughter and hubby raise money to help with the adoption expenses of her soon to be grandson Nathanael. You can read all about their story here. I have been so happy to have been a part of this story when Sarah asked me to write about 100 Good Wishes Quilts as a guest poster and I'm waiting anxiously along with them for that little boy to come home to his forever family.

The raffle for these quilts, and one more if she reaches the next goal, ends at 5pm on Thursday, July 24th so please donate if you can. Every little bit helps. Adoption is so very expensive but knowing that just one more child will grow up in a loving family of his very own instead of at an orphanage makes it so worth it. Click on over to Sarah's blog to find the donation  link.

And thanks...from me, Sarah and her daughter's entire family.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Whoop Whoop - RSC blocks, Primary Bee blocks and Giveaway reminder

I'm giving myself a Whoop, Whoop today! I've got 4 things to be happy about.

1. Because on Sunday someone is going to learn that she is the winner of my Classic Metal Company giveaway. There are still 2 days to enter. The giveaway closes at Midnight on Saturday.
Not only will she will her choice of a 24" x 24" barn quilt in the color of her choice...
...but she will also win her choice of a ruler holder, again in her choice of pattern and color.
That seems pretty fabulous to me. 

2. Because we are all caught up on The Primary Bee blocks.
This week we've had a few snippets of time to sew so we got to work on getting the June blocks done. Jammer started this time and got a few of the blocks sewn together before he headed off to the firehouse with Daddy.
So then Sunshine was up. She can't wait until we are done sewing each section so that she can raise the presser foot and needle and then cut them apart.
She still needs quite a bit of guidance, keeping the pieces lined up against my 1/4" foot but slowly she is getting better.
Here is her "I'm being silly" shot. She always gets into giggle fits when it comes time to take the "official" picture.
And here is the "official" picture with her holding the block straight. As you can see Lisa's daughter requested the Churn and Dash block in Blue and Purple.
The next evening, after Jammer saw Sunshine's block all finished, he wanted to get his done too. Now that I'm letting him do the fabric guiding and foot pedal work all by himself he is concentrating so hard.
We did need to use the seam ripper a little bit as a couple of his seams weren't great but once redone, the blocks came together nicely. Here is his weird smile face picture. He's at the age where all of his smiles are "deer in the headlights" types.
This smile is much better. If you look closely, he's missing his two top teeth and so far there is no sign of the new grown up ones.
Both kidlets are anxious to make their blocks for their own quilts so we will be working on those in the coming weeks. The July Bee Princess hasn't let us know yet what block and colors she wants so we can keep stitching away at the future months blocks.

3. Because a little more of those snippets of time appeared and I was able to get two more months of blocks done for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.
Here are my 25 patch blocks in Purple that was the color for April. My original plan was to not use the same fabric scrap more than once in each block but for the Purple that just wasn't possible. I thought I'd have more than enough different scraps, especially after making the Guiding Young Discoveries teacher quilt in 2012, but in fact I didn't. I don't think it is really noticeable to anyone but me.
And here are the Green ones for May. I'm glad that the scrap with the slithering thing isn't really recognizable as a slithering thing. I HATE those! I can tolerate all other creatures but those. Just thinking about them gives me nightmares.
When I took the Purple ones off the design wall to put the Green ones up for the photo shoot, I noticed an Oops. Did you? Go ahead, scroll back up and see if you can see it? 

I had accidentally sewn the top two rows of the Dark Purple block on in the wrong order. Smack self on the forehead. The seam ripper got utilized again and the mistake was quickly fixed. all better.
These are all my pretty rainbow blocks so far.
Next up is Yellow for June and Red for July. I've already pulled out my Yellow scraps and there isn't much variety so those blocks are going to be a stretch to complete.

4. Because today is my 1st day home by myself in weeks so there will definitely be some sewing/quilting accomplished. Snoopy dancing here. As soon as I get my shower done and some breakfast in me for fortification, I'm heading upstairs to my happy place.

Tomorrow is the annual softball tournament for the scholarship fund in honor of my nephew Danny. It will be an emotionally difficult day for sure, it always is, but it will also be a great one because we'll be raising a lot of money for the fund. 

Next year will be the 10th and final year of the softball tournament. My sister wanted to stop on the 8th year of his death (his jersey number was 8) but the school convinced her to hold the tournament until we had done 10 since that is what is typically done for scholarship funds. Two years ago my fabulous readers helped me create the two Danny quilts...Tribute to Danny (I'm finally going to be able to get better pictures of this quilt tomorrow.)
and Remembering Danny
I want to make something again for next year to again raffle off but haven't figured out what yet. These 2 quilts hold so much meaning for me and my family and I don't want to overshadow that. I'm sure I'll come up with just the right idea eventually.

Today I'm linking up with

Fort Worth Fabric Studio
Have a fabulous day and a truly glorious weekend!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Classic Metal Company Barn Quilts review and Giveaway

This Giveaway is now closed!

Hubs is always appreciative when I give him gift ideas of things I really want. He doesn't like to shop and it makes his life so much easier. For Mother's Day this year I requested something very specific and even sent him the link to the item and posted a copy of the page from the magazine right next to the computer monitor so he'd get it right. I wasn't taking any chances!
And what did I ask for you ask?
I requested this fabulous 2 foot Mariner's Compass Barn Quilt block from Classic Metal Company to adorn our house. I love it, I love it, I love it!!!
It hangs perfectly between the 2 office windows and now there is no doubt at which house in our neighborhood the quilter lives.
But hubby surprised me that day and not only did I receive the Mariner's Compass Barn Quilt but I also received this 2 foot Americana Star Barn Quilt.
Hubs hung this one between the garage windows (we have a side load garage) but now that it has been up for a number of weeks I'm thinking that it isn't big enough for the space and it needs to be replaced with a bigger one, either the 3 foot or 4 foot size. I'd move this one to hang between the library/playroom windows on the other side of our front door. For the replacement block, I'm strongly considering the Ohio Star or the LeMoyne Star block. My birthday is coming up in a few months ya know.
I chose to request these specific Barn Quilts from Classic Metal Company because of Mark's fabulous reputation and the terrific quality of his products. I love, love, love these barn quilts. I know, I said that already. But it is true! They are all made from heavy-weight steel and are all powder coated for years and years of great looks. I've seen other similar products elsewhere before and they don't measure up to these by a long shot.

Not only are all of his Barn Quilts available in the standard 1 foot (12 " x 12") and 2 foot (24" x 24") sizes but he also makes them in custom 3 foot and 4 foot sizes. Plus each one is available in a number of color options: Satin Black, Navy Blue, Dark Red, Creamy White and Dark Green so there is an option to coordinate with every decor.

Because I truly believe in the Made in America movement as also evidenced in my recent participation in the American Made Brand Blog Tour, I am happy to tell you that Classic Metal Company's Barn Quilts and all the hardware available to hang them are also completely made in the good ole USA. 

So far there are 13 Barn Quilt blocks available as well as a Greeting Sign and 2 napkin holder designs (I've already told hubby that the Black Mariner's Compass one is also on my wish list for my birthday). Just look at the wonderful options he has for you to decorate your home with, inside and out.
In addition, Classic Metal Company has recently come out with (2) ruler holders which are equally fabulous. At this point in time they are available in either an American Country block or a Sister's Choice block, again in your choice of colors Red, Black or Green.
And if that isn't enough, Mark also makes Barn Quilt Minis in Brass or Copper just perfect for decorating your quilting themed Christmas tree during the holidays or displaying elsewhere all year round.
While recently emailing with Mark about hub's purchases and a few upcoming new design ideas he has and wanted my input on, he offered up an extremely generously and the top terrific giveaway for one of my readers.
What might you win you wonder?
Not only do you have a chance to win your choice of a 24" x 24" Barn Quilt in your color preference shipped directly to your home but Classic Metal Company is also including a ruler holder of your choice. 
So what hoops do you have to go through for your chance at these fabulous goodies?

1. Go To Classic Metal Company's Barn Quilts page and tell me, if you are lucky enough to win, which one will you choose.

2. Like Classic Metal Company's Facebook page and come back and tell me that you did.

3. Spread the word about this giveaway on your blog and let me know about it.

4. Post about this giveaway on your Facebook page.

That's it! A total of 4 chances to win.
The entries will close on Saturday, July 19th at Midnight and I'll announce the winner the next day.

As usual, there are always giveaway entries from No Reply Bloggers so if you are in doubt, make sure to leave your email address. Those that don't aren't even entered into the drawing. Many people still don't realize that they are in fact NRBs but if you never, ever receive replies on comments you leave on other's blogs, than that is proof that you need to fix the problem. Not everyone replies to commenters but many of us do as much as possible.

Even if you don't win this time I hope that you too choose to decorate your house with one or more of these fabulous Barn Quilts. They truly are a work of art.
Disclosure: While I truly appreciate the opportunity to write this review and to host this generous giveaway from Classic Metal Company, all of my opinions are my own and the offer of the giveaway items in no way influenced my comments on these products.