I tried to get this post written yesterday but that just didn't happen. Our computer went all berserk and then refused to reboot. This happened around Christmas time too. I told hubby it is TIME to get it replaced before it crashes for good and this momma loses important stuff.
Anyway there has been a bit of this and that going on in my studio. I got my Yellow blocks done for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.
I cut up a bunch of Green and Blue scraps to use as a leader/ender project. I'm loving the fact that I have a 2nd quilt in process while I work on my main project.
Recent days has also seen me cut up this pile of squares. What might they be for you wonder?
They are going to get turned into another 100 Good Wishes Quilt, for the daughter of another friend. I'll also be putting together the scrapbook with the wishes.
Here are all 144 pieces ready to go. I decided that I didn't like the original pattern that I was going to use for this so I had to come up with an alternate plan. Stay tuned to see.
I've also been playing with these beauties. It is Kate Spain's newest line Horizon, which is coming out in September. The colors are just gorgeous.
A few days back, while skimming through block books for ideas for future event, I had a lighting bolt moment and quickly sat at our desk and drafted it out on graph paper (Yes I still need to learn how to use my EQ but at least it is loaded into the computer now). I made some test blocks and I'm really glad that I did. It helped me see where I need to change up the pattern to make it easier. Unfortunately this is a secret project so I can't show you more than a tiny peek of what's to come. It is really exciting too.
Lastly I need to announce the winner of this American Made Brand market tote.
Mr. Random chose the number that correlates to my friend Sharon's comment.

Congratulations Sharon! I already have your address so I will be sending off your info to Clothworks and I'm sure your market tote will be arriving in a few days. I know that Sharon is working on a project for the Farm to Fabric Challenge (there is still time to enter yourself) and I can't wait to see what she is designing.
Have a great day all! I'm hoping this afternoon will be a productive one in my studio.