January 17, 2014

Class Conundrum and the Great Roommate Hunt

I just can't decide!
I don't know which ones to pick.
The classes on the schedule for MQX New England Quilt Festival is what I'm referring to. I'm trying to figure out which classes to register for. I never realized that there would be so many options and that it would be so hard to decide. And I need to do it very soon.

I certainly could use your help, if you've been to MQX East in the past yourself or you've taken classes from any of the instructors. Please help me decide which classes are the right ones for me so that I can register for them before they fill up.

To narrow down the possibilities, I'm only looking at classes for machine quilting, mostly longarm classes, for true Beginners as I am or techniques applicable to everyone.

For instance, should I take the new all day class with Linda Taylor or a bunch of different "smaller" classes? I've heard some good things about Dawn Cavanaugh, Lisa Calle, Barbara Persings, DeLoa Jones and Gina Perkes plus taking a class from Kim Brunner is on my bucket list. There are also lots of other teachers on the list but I don't know much about them. 

What I mostly want to do is 1) to learn as much as I can obviously but also get a lot of practical hands on classes  (demos and lectures are on my list of choices too) and 2) to avoid as much as possible taking classes from different instructors that are basically the same. I've heard that this can happen if you aren't careful and since my chances of being able to attend the show again in the future isn't a given, I'd like to get as much out of this trip as possible. Plus my hubby may not be winning to play Mr. Mom for this many days that often.

So any advice that you can offer up would be so greatly appreciated. Haven't been to MQX East but know someone that has? Please pass on my questions to him/her for me. You know....the girlfriend's been-there-done-that info is what I am looking for. And any other tips on attending this show that one might offer up would be welcome too. I've never been before so I have no clue as to the ins and outs of a bigger show.

I also have one of these.
A hotel room booked for the show with 2 queen beds and I only need 1 of them. A good friend and my sister were going to the show with me and now can't so I'm on the hunt for a roommate, to share hotel expenses and the whole experience with. Pass the word, would you?

I'm really looking forward to this show. I hear that it is a really good one to attend to learn a lot about longarm quilting and the fact that it is within a few hours driving distance for me makes it cost effective and possible to attend. I'm heading into uncharted waters for me and I'm a little nervous.


Marlene said...

How exciting Michele. I live in New Zealand so not much help to you with advice but an interested in the replies you get. I am hoping to go to Australia in October to the Machine Quilting Festival where a lot of the tutors you mentioned are teaching.
I went two years ago and ended up taking classes that turned out to be similar so hope you get some good advice so you can learn as much as possible. You will so enjoy it.

Wendy said...

Oh Man!!! I would so be there!!! I want to visit New England and to visit it for a Quilt Festival and have the chance to meet and experience this with you .... GEEZ I wish Montana wasn't so far away! I truly hope you find someone to share your fun with!! Sending good thoughts your way :)

~Kristie said...

I'm not sure yet if I can swing it for this year. I've never been to this show before but, like you, it is within a few hours driving distance. Which days do you have the hotel reserved?

So far I only have a quilt frame (Hinterberg Stretch) - no longarm machine yet. It sits disassembled in storage right now, but I'd like to try using a short arm machine on it until I have enough $$ saved for a FunQuilter. I'm looking for beginner classes too :)

Sarah Craig said...

You should definitely take any classes that Kimmy Brunner offers - she is an excellent teacher, you'll get lots of hands-on experience and instruction, and she gives great value for her supplies fee. I wish she was teaching at Paducah this year - I'd love to take another of her classes! I don't know any of the other teachers you listed, sorry. I wish I could come room with you but alas, not this year! Have fun!

Mom said...

I don't know your level, but if you'd like to email me, we can discuss this. I have attended MQX for the past 4 yrs, taking classes the last 3 yrs. I have taken many, and know many of the instructors personally. Let me know what type of quilting you are currently doing (longarm or domestic), pantos or some custom, do you own and use any rulers, do you quilt for other or just yourself, etc. I have a business and also show quilts in these shows, so I might be a good resource if you are interested,
Margaret Gunn msolomo1@MAINE.RR.COM

kelly o! said...

I second Kimmy Brunner! I went to MQX in Portland (OR) in 2012. It was a fantastic experience and I'd love to go again. I took a bunch of smaller classes/lectures. Mainly with Angela Walters (if you can get a class with her, DO IT!), but also Linda Taylor. While I enjoyed Linda's class, I'm not into pantographs, so that wasn't as helpful to me as I wish it would have been.

My guess is you'd get "more" out of one or two longer classes than several shorter classes. My brain got pretty full pretty quickly, especially since it had been my first Expo.

I hope you have a wonderful time!!

mandalei said...

Hi Michele! Didn't want to repond on the comment list, since it would mess up the RNG for the giveaway. I've taken classes with Dawn Cavanaugh and Kimmy Brunner, and both are wonderful teachers. I think you get more bang for your buck taking lecture classes, and you can take more of those than the hands-on (but the hands-on classes are just so *fun*). I'm planning on taking classes with Judy Woodworth this time around, and Gina Perkes. It might not be a bad idea to take a class a step above where you are right now, so you know what you're practicing towards. I find it's easier for me to establish routine for practicing if I have an end-goal. Well, maybe not easier, but more focused. I'm going to be there pretty much the whole time, and have a roommate already, otherwise I'd see if you wanted to share a room. Next year?

mandalei said...

And we should meet up being as we're so close!