Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Have you?

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to join a quilt Round Robin?

Have you ever wanted to join a Round Robin but didn't have the time or desire to work on a full sized version?

Have you ever wondered just what it would be like to add whatever blocks/borders and fabric you wanted to someone else's quilt? To take it where ever your inspiration led you?

Do you like to work on mini quilts?

Do you love keeping secrets?

Well then the Modern Mini Mystery Round Robin 2013 is for you!

The groups are filling nicely but there are still a bunch of spots open. And there is plenty of time left for you to sign up. All of the information can be found here.

Just show you the great mini quilts can be created during one of these Mini Mystery Round Robins, here are just a few of my favorites from the 2012 event.

Deonn's Quilt
Jane's quilt
Kylie's quilt
Wendy's quilt
Diane's quilt
Lisa's quilt
Renae's quilt (sorry, no blog)
Kathy's quilt
Rachel's quilt
Samantha's quilt
Ann' quilt
If I had to pick just one absolute favorite from these, I just couldn't. I want them all! Unfortunately my participants weren't so generous that they were willing to send their gorgeous quilts to me. And that is OK! Really! But a girl can still drool over them, can't she.

If you want to have some fun this year, in the mini proportion at least, sign up today. Spots are limited for this round robin and you definitely don't want to miss out! There are some seasoned Mystery Round Robin participants as well as some new to this game already on the list so it will prove to be a great time for all.

P.S. If "American Girl" is reading this, please email me directly from your own email address. You are a No Reply Blogger so I can't reply to your request to join this Round Robin.