Monday, October 15, 2012

Don't miss out on the Quilt U Be Mine Mini Mystery Round Robin!

Today is the last day for you to sign up for my newest mini mystery round robin. All of the details can be found here.
Currently there are 19 confirmed participants and 1 friend still thinking. There is still room for many more to join in on the fun.

My friend Bea did up some terrific sample pictures for you to see just a few possibilities. While this is a Valentine's Day themed event and the main color (s) of the piece does need to be Red, White and/or Pink (any one, two or all three of these colors), it does not have to have anything to do with hearts if you don't want it to. If you want to start with a pink pumpkin, go right ahead. A red and white paper pieced apron...sounds good to me. Anything you wish. Other colors are also allowed too as long as the main color focus remains Red, White and/or Pink.

Midnight today is the deadline to put your name on the list. I hope to get the groups put together and everyone notified tomorrow but I'm helping out at the kids' school for picture day so it may not be until the evening when I get the chance to work on it.

For my center block, I have a couple of possibilities that I am considering but of course I need to get Lucy back so that I actually have a sewing machine to use. Hopefully by the middle of this week, she'll be home safe and sound and ready to work hard.

So come on and join us! It will be a ton of fun and even if you aren't the type to celebrate that holiday, I'm sure there is someone in your life that would love to receive it as a gift. It would be a prefect way to show someone just how special they are to you.

4 of you added your own colorful comments:

SpartanBabe said...

Hy Michele - if you need someone to double up to get the right number of folks in the groups, I'd be game!

Melinda said...

Okay, you've talked me into it! I'm in!

Sherri said... won a giveaway on my blog! Please send me your mailing address!

Sherri at A Quilting Life

Rachell said...

Yup. You should have my address by now! You convinced me, really was calling my name. And thanks for an example quilt, step by step.
I just posted the button on my blog!