Thursday, August 23, 2012

Enter a quilt show.....Me?

The short story is:

One of the quilters participating in my Modern Mini Mystery Round Robin is Vicki. She lives in my other home turf area, the one where hubs is from and where my mom, youngest sister and brother have lived for 20+ years. I even lived there too for a while before hubs and I moved to this area.

Anyway I had emailed Vicki about an upcoming quilt show next month and thought she'd like to come. We could finally meet in person. Unfortunately the dates don't work for her but she did suggest that I come to her guild's show the following weekend.

I could do that. I know that area well. Then she actually suggested that I enter a quilt or two in their show. What? Me enter a quilt in a show? Little thankfully-not-too-old-yet me?

I was honored that she thought my work is worthy. Well after a little pondering, I figured why not? I never planned on quilting to enter shows but I can't see any reason not to. The fee is very inexpensive and it would be cool to see my quilts hanging for all to see.

Now the next be judged or not? It is only a couple of dollars more for this and while I certainly don't need to have the approval of official judges, it would be nice to read the suggestions they provide in their report. Plus it would be ultra awesome if I actually won a ribbon. Icing on the cake so to say.

So I've decided to do both...enter a few of my quilts and get them judged. But then the biggest question of all looms? Which ones to enter? I don't want to enter them all. Just a couple, 4 max. Narrowing down the possibilities is the hard part.

Vicki would love it if I entered Jammer's One Hundred Good Wishes quilt but it is over their size limit. The 100 Good Wishes Quilt for Miss M that I am finishing the binding on is way overdue so I don't feel right about holding onto it for a month+ longer.

The options that I am left to choose from are:

Tribute to Danny

Remembering Danny

Loving Sunshine
Thistles and Vines

Sound the Alarm

Pretty in Pink

Luv U Letters

Those not in my position I can get back in time so no worries there. So help me out here PLEASE. Tell me which ones you'd enter if you were me. I need your input to help me decide. I'm begging here people.

The entry forms need to get in the mail today to make the deadline so Hurry, Hurry and add your comment. I sew appreciate your thoughts!

11 of you added your own colorful comments:

beaquilter said...

go for it! my first show I entered (where I paid) I got a ribbon back! so you never know what judges like... also just to get the feedback back is well worth it!
I like the bigger Danny quilt, lovely contrast and colors.
sounding the alarm and loving sunshine are nice too. I do like the last I love you one, but judges don't like "kits" don't know if this is one, or if they count a panel as a kit, it's really cute though...
good luck!

Michele said...

Thanks for your thoughts Bea. And actually Luv U Letters wasn't a kit. It was a Moda Bakeshop pattern that found whne I was hunting for something to do with the panel that I bought with no plans for.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

Good for you! Shows should be used as a learning experience. If you use the Danny quilts, you would have to list credit to the block makers and enter it as a 'group' quilt - if being judged, but would be a wonderful 'for show' quilt with the story attached. Loving Sunshine is sweet. The panel quilt I like as it shows how creative you can be with one of these. It is a Quild show, so pick two for show and two for judging and don't sweat it - have fun.

Rachel said...

I can't pick!! But go for it!!!!

sew.darn.quilt said...

Tribute to Danny, Thistles and Vines, Sound the Alarm & Love U letters would be my choices but if a kit is out of the question Loving Sunshine, it's so cheery.
Throw caution to the wind and have fun! Please let us know how you made out =)
Best of luck, hon.

Sandy D said...

Tribute to Danny, Love U Letters and Loving Sunshine

Janet said...

Tribute to Danny, Sound the Alarm and Luv U Letters. I hope you let us know how it goes!

Lisa Cox said...

I would definitely do Tribute to Danny, and I like Luv U letters and Pretty in Pink too.

Kathy said...

My list is in total agreement with Sandy D.
Tribute to Danny, Loving Sunshine and Luv U Letters.
Best of Luck!!!

ThisQuiltingMama said...

Can't wait to see what you decided to enter!
This is for QUILTS(Sch'dy) correct?
I'm finally getting my labels on my 6 entries.
Peace, Lynn

ThisQuiltingMama said...

Can't wait to see what you decided to enter!
This is for QUILTS(Sch'dy) correct?
I'm finally getting my labels on my 6 entries.
Peace, Lynn