May 12, 2013

Winners Announcement!

Thank you to everyone that entered my Sew Mama Sew Giveaway Day! The number of comments astounded me. I think that is the highest total I've ever gotten on a post. I really enjoyed reading all of your comments and for those of you that are wishing for something specific for Mother's Day, I hope your wish comes true.

And now on to the fun part...announcing the winners of my giveaway x 2. Mr. Random chose these two ladies to receive one each of my packages.

Sunny of Quilting Dreams
Her comment was: "I'm not a mother, but I think there is a new camera in my future, from DH!"


Caroline of Sew.Darn.Quilt 
She commented: "My Mr. asking me, seriously, "Now describe to me your ideal sewing room and I'll build it!" It's nice to have wishes and dreams, isn't it?! :)"

Congratulations ladies! Both have been emailed and as soon as I hear back from them, their goodies will be flying through the postal system on their way to their new homes.

Happy Mother's Day to all! Whether you are a mom or you are celebrating with your mom, I hope your day is a terrific one.


Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said...

Congrats to the winners and Happy Mothers Day!

sunny said...

thank you sew much! And a Happy Mother's Day to you!!

sew.darn.quilt said...

Happy Mother's Day Michele! Thank you :)