April 15, 2013


Tonight I am thankful, so very, very thankful.

Amongst today's horrible news from Boston, while thinking about the dead and the injured, I have to keep telling myself that my family was very lucky today.

You see.....my niece Gina, my sister Tina's daughter, ran in the Boston Marathon today.

All I know at the moment is that she is home, she is safe and she is uninjured. I don't know how far she was from the blast site at the time it happened. I'm sure that I will find out more tomorrow.

I keep thinking about how close we could have come again to losing another one of our family members. Gina was very close to Danny, they were only 2 months apart in age.
The fire that almost took my niece Alisa (Danny's sister) and her family was just over 1 year ago.

We have had more than our share of grief and close calls. Enough is enough.
My family wouldn't have survived another tragedy.
Please keep all those suffering in your thoughts and prayers.


Marlene said...

the bombings are just dreadful, Michele, and my heart goes out to all those who have been injured or lost loved ones. Here in New Zealandwe are getting alot of coverage on the TV.
So glad to hear your niece is safe. I am new to your blog and so went back in your posts so I could understand the impact this has had. your family has had alot to deal with. Sending you hugs.

Teresa Quilts said...

I am so glad to here your niece is safe. I pray you all will find peace under the circumstances.

Mary-Frances said...

So glad your niece is safe, hugs to you and your family. All those affected by this tragedy are in my prayers.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Happy for you!

Jodi said...

So glad your loved one is safe and so sad that others do not have that comfort today. Such a terrible thing to happen no matter who did it or why my prayers are with all the people hurt and their loved ones who wait for news.

Rachel said...

Hugs, thoughts & prayers.

Joyce Carter said...

I am happy to hear that your niece wasn't hurt by the tragedy in Boston. My heart goes out to everyone that was injured and to the ones that lost their lives.It is a sad day in the USA when we cannot enjoy the freedoms we once did. I pray for our country and for our people. God Bless.

Julianne said...

Its all just so terrible Michelle..I was thinking about you and others yesterday when the news broke. I sure hope that your family is ok, you have all been through enough...hugs and prayers for you!!

Tina said...

We were truly blessed that day and you are right that this family can't get through the loss of another child. Our hugs and prayers are with those who are suffering in Boston.