Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Little Artist's Quilt - More of The Middle

These are the rest of the painted blocks from the preschool artists. It is interesting to look at them and wonder what they are supposed to be. Some are much more obvious than others.
I had forgotten to take pictures of some of them before I started sewing on the sashing so here they are partially finished.
Since there are 21 kids in the class and that doesn't work for a quilt layout I suggested the teachers make one each also to give us 25 blocks, perfect for a 5 x 5 layout. Here they are: the lead teacher and her assistant. 
 And these two are by the PE teacher and the Art teacher.
Now I just need to finish the sashings, figure out the block placements so that the colors are well scattered throughout, sew the blocks into rows and then the rows into a quilt top. The even is only weeks away and this one need to be completed soon.