Thursday, March 15, 2012

Don't miss out on the Modern Mini Mystery Round Robin

There is still time to join in on my Modern Mini Mystery Round Robin.

All the details are here and here. There are 23 quilters (including myself) signed up so far. Groups of 8 are needed. We'd love to have more of you join our little party. Get in on the fun and pass the word far and wide in blog land so even more talented quilters hop on board. And don't forget to add the button to your blog. It's right over there on the right.

Sign ups close this Sunday evening so don't hesitate a minute longer! 

4 of you added your own colorful comments:

Vicki said...

Okay I would love to play I just saw this linky thing on the Sew I Quilt blog and it really sounds fun. I don't have a blog does that make me ineligible? I'll send my info I have become a follower so I will be watching at any rate

Janet said...

I'm super excited to participate, but I see I might be number 25... Please let me know if you have enough participants to include me.

Michele said...

Of course you can join us. Having a blog is not required. As long as you can make a center block and sew borders on, you can play along.

Michele said...

Yes Janet please join in. There is still time for more to sign up so we don't know what our final number will be yet.