Friday, October 12, 2018

My first barn quilt

Last month, in the midst of the craziness that is the beginning of the school year, I squeezed in attendance at a quilt guild workshop and made my first (and definitely not the last ) barn quilt.
Our speaker was Suzi Parron who wrote this book.
Learning the history of how barn quilts got started and seeing her slideshow of so many very cool barn quilts that now grace buildings across the US was very enjoyable. 
Suzi was a fun and enthusiastic teacher and it wasn't long before everyone was underway creating their masterpieces.  As the class was scheduled to conclude at 2pm and I had to finish by that hour to get home and meet the school bus, I forgot to take more pictures in process but here is one.
The steps aren't hard, it just takes time, depending on which pattern you choose.  Of course the one I fell in love with was one of the harder ones she offered, the Double Aster.
Some of the guild members had left before we took this group photo but you can still see that everyone completed their project and they all are stunning.
I had a blast and I absolutely L.O.V.E. the way it turned out.  I haven't decided where it's going to go in my home but it will definitely be a place where it is noticed.
I can't wait to make more barn quilts and I've got a few ideas brewing but those will likely have to wait until mid winter to even get started.  Plus I want to convince hubby to let me make a bigger one to hang above our garage door.  There's a big empty wall there that would be perfect for one.

4 of you added your own colorful comments:

Doreen said...

Awesome 'finish'!!! Will be anxious to see what you dream up for the garage. Now that our barn has a block (8'x 8'!), our garage is in desperate need of something, too. Your group really worked at their project(s)! Congrats to all!!!

Needled Mom said...

Those are all so fun. You did a wonderful job on yours.

Lori Smanski said...

Wow your barn quilt is lovely. This looks like so much fun. I think I will need to make one this winter. Thanks for the fun and the encouragement
quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

KatieQ said...

The barn quilt turned out wonderful. You chose an interesting block. It was great that you were able to get it done and still get home for the school bus.