Monday, April 7, 2014

Pretty electronics accessories

I recently got myself one of these.
It qualifies as my Mother's Day gift this year.
Hubs has one and I finally decided that I like the smaller and lighter weight size compared to our laptop and for my trip to MQX, upcoming vacations and normal activities like sitting at swim lessons and gymnastics this will be so much better.
But of course, I didn't want any plain ole case for it.

I wanted one that is prettier and so much more me.
This is what I got. You like?
While getting everything together for MQX, I realized that I have a bunch of electronics accessories that I need to take with phone charger, my IPad charger, my camera cable/charger, etc and now I needed a way to keep them all together. I needed a pouch.
I looked up a few tutorials and chose to use the Easy Peasy Zippered Pouch Tutorial.
 The sample used scraps but that isn't the way I wanted to go. I pulled out these, a charm pack of Simply Color and a mini charm pack of Simply Style.
The way I decided to put this together meant that I only needed to use 4 charms and 8 mini charms. This is the group that I chose for the front of the pouch.
And these will be for the back.
The tutorial was easy to follow and this is the result. Love it! 
This is what the back looks like. As you can see, on the front I put the mini charms at the top and on the back, I put them on the bottom.
A bit of Denise Schmidt I pulled from my stash worked well for the lining.
So now I'm all set with a cute little pouch to hold all my various electronics accessories.
Traveling in style is so much more fun!

5 of you added your own colorful comments:

Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said...

I love my an extra body part for me most days. If are on blogger there is a mobile app, on case you don't know. Nice pouch!

Anonymous said...

So cute and smart for your treks!!! Isn't technology great?????? Hugs......................

HeatherK @ A Reformed Heath'n said...

So pretty! I love the purple cover and the V&Co. pouch. Happy trails!

Needled Mom said...

I like that cover and the pouch is perfect for all the accessories.

quiltmania said...

Lovely little pouch!