September 16, 2013


Lucy didn't see any action this weekend as we were busy with many other things but last night I was able to cut the pieces for a fast and furious new quilt. Then I played with the fabric/color layout before climbing into bed for some shut eye.
Here is a sneak peak of what I am working with. 
This will be a Christmas quilt...but unlike most other Christmas quilts you have ever seen.
I found the perfect color solid at my LQS on Saturday afternoon and now I can't wait to get the top stitched together. Hopefully that will get accomplished before the week is done.
My Christmas decorating leans heavily towards Traditional and Classy, Deep Red and Gold with a bit of Green thrown in. I've totally gotten away from cutesy snowman or Santas and other similar themes. A few years back when I decided I was tired of the same old, same old I cleared out all the unloved I acquired during my younger years and focused on one basic theme...the Traditional/Classy. Once I take out my decorations this year and can show you my tree skirt you'll know what I mean.
So why am I rambling about my style of Christmas decorating? Because this quilt will be so untraditional and will be totally opposite from everything else I have. Ever since I first saw these fabrics I knew that I wanted needed to have them and when I recently found the perfect pattern to use them on, I've been excited to get it done.
Stay tuned. The finished top reveal will be soon.
This one is actually for Me! Fathom that.


Heleen Groot said...

I have one of those fabrics! I fell in love with it so much, I used as the final border it for a huge (2,5 x 2,5 mtr) summery quilt with lots of white and pink. It resides on my bed! Never thought of using it in a Christmas project.....I look forward to seeing how that works!

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I'm not into the cutesy either nor the 'americanized' traditional red/green. I have a Dutch and German heritage , so like to deco very minimal with heritage items.

Samantha said...

That fabric is gorgeous! Can't wait to see what you are up to with it! :D

Mary said...

So...inquiring minds want to know...will you be changing up your Christmas decorating theme this year? Looking forward to seeing what you create.

tpott said...
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