I wish the mosquitoes didn't think my kids are so very tasty.
It is common for Asian kids to have these bites get as big as a quarter or more and they take months and months to totally heal and disappear.
These "skid-e-ios" bites as Jammer calls them happened in our back yard yesterday. We've had an over abundance of rain these past weeks and obviously their population has gotten way out of control. I don't like using products with DEET in them on the kids unless it is completely unavoidable. I've picked up a different one without DEET to try.
This house goes through more than a normal supply of bandaids during the summer as we attempt to keep the kidlets from scratching the bites but if anyone out there has some other topical aid to suggest that will help avoid my babies from getting bit in the 1st place, I'd be most grateful.
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I so feel their pain! We moved from Arizona to South Carolina. Those nasty bugs love my blood! 2 weeks ago had a bad reaction my face swelled up my eye was swollen shut and itching lika a mad dog. I now have to carry a EpiPen. I now take Zyrtec nightly and I do not go outside without my OFF clip.on. It really works each refill lasts up to 12 hours. I don't have to rub anything on me. Hope this helps! I have also heard Bounce dry sheets work.
You can buy a stretchy plastic bracelet that is impregnated with Deet but it can be worn on the wrist or ankle. It worked for me and avoided the spray. Walgreens and Walmart sell them.
If they have already been bitten the body shop sells a peppermint soothing foot lotion - it is the best for mozzie bites to stop them itching (not that close to eyes though, obviously). Mozzies make great feast and welts of my little girl too. We live unfortunately close to a swamp/wetland area, lots of mozzies here too.
Yes, the bracelet thingies work great - there are also clip-on buttons with repellant (my daughter uses those on her kids). I feel their plight with the bite - I hate the little buggers myself as they find me quite tasty, too.
ooh! they look sore x
Children just are such "tender morsels"! And they don't quite understand what exactly is happening. I hope one of the suggested solutions helps!! Hugs......
Burts Bees has a natural blend that smells wonderful, and I think it works great..I didn't wear it long, and don't have kids, but most of their products are great! There are many natural on-line recipes for repellents. Good luck, they are so nasty..lots of people here use the people who spray the yard and they say it lasts for the summer..
Oh I know what your kids are going through. Any mosquito bites I get also turn into big welts and itch something awful. No fun, for sure.
you can seal the bites off with clear nail polish that keeps them from itching as bad --- poor babies. Mosquitos love e as well and this has been a long use southern remody in our house.
when I was little, we went camping a lot. There were 3 kids and my older sister used to be the choice victim of the mosquitoes. My brother and I rarely got bitten. My parents used to give her Vit B 12 and that used to help. Not sure if it is a real cure or not, but I know it helped her keep from getting eaten alive. Also not sure why they liked her better than me and my brother, probably because she didn't like to get dirty like we did :) Maybe have the kids roll in the mud before playing outside :)
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