Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My Wish List

Some new fabric purchases are on the horizon for me. I have narrowed down my list of "Must Have"s and will be spending my hard earned money soon at some favorite online shops (because my LQS doesn't carry any of these).

One of my 2 absolute favorite fabric designers is Amanda Murphy. I literally drool over her Bella line and I have my very own stash of it to make a quilt for our king size bed. Amanda's Holiday Bouquet line is her 1st Christmas-y venture and it is just as wonderful as all of her other lines. I can't live with myself if I don't get some of each print and colorway.
Kate Spain is my other absolute favorite designer and her upcoming Sunnyside is another must have line. I haven't decided if I want a bit of all of it or just one color way but I have until September when it is due to come out to decide.
 Plus news that I haven't announced before...I will be hosting a fantastic Kate Spain swap in the early fall. Julie from the phenomenal shop Intrepid Thread and I are working out a special deal for participants to help you afford all the Sunnyside that you crave.

Yes I automatically gravitate to all Kate Spain fabrics but I honestly haven't bought them all. One that I really love and want, want, want is Cuzco. It has been out for a while and I recently found it on sale at so I'll be snatching some of this up before it disappears for good.
Another upcoming line that I saw on True Up (a great blog btw for seeing everything coming out soon on her market recap posts) is Beachwood Park by Jenean Morrison for Free Spirit. I was immediately drawn to the prints in this line for so many reasons but I can't decide if I want the Purple colorway
or the Green colorway
or the Blue colorway.
Help me out here and tell me which one you would choose and why.

The last fabric line on my Wish List is Sandy Gervais' Posh Pumpkins. As I expected my sister Tina went totally berserk over this line and already has a bunch of it. I fell in love with the panel and later this morning she and I will plan over the phone what else to get in yardage (to save shipping costs) so this is one that I'll have in my hand soon.
I'm really trying hard to keep my list to a minimum and stick to my plan of only buying what I totally love and so far this year, I'm doing pretty well. Other than necessity purchases like the fabric for the teacher quilts and Joey's One Hundred Good Wishes Quilt, I've been pretty restrained in my shopping. The vast majority of my purchases have been things for my Penelope, my long arm machine...needed items such as needles, bobbins, a bobbin winder etc plus a number of quilting books for learning more about long arm quilting and inspiration. 
A big purchase of pantographs and thread is coming soon so my wallet will take a hit but I can't quilt if I don't have thread. Right?

So what's on your Wish List?

6 of you added your own colorful comments:

Lesley said...

I love everything on your wish list so I will live vicariously through you! Enjoy your shopping are going to have some gorgeous projects with these fabrics!

beaquilter said...

uhhh a Kate spain swap???? love it!! I had thought about a swap too soon guess you beat me to it- because you'd HAVE to join mine and I want to join yours, so I guess I'll drop my idea.....???? send me details or hints????

Anonymous said...

The Kate Spain fabric is "to die for"!!!!! I can't seem to keep up with all that will be coming out in the next few months.....maybe just as well as my pocket book is mighty thin at the moment!! LOL!

Rachel said...

Uh, blue, because, really it is red, white and blue...Ya know how *I* am, LOL

Tiffany said...

Blue or Purple COlorways - I think the colors pop and are gorgeous. Thanks, by the way, for adding to my wish list also ;)

Tina said...

Of course, I love it all and I'm not even trying to restrain myself right now! I think the swap is a great idea!