Friday, November 23, 2012

A new finish - Dots in the Wind

Last you saw of these blocks and this future quilt was during the Dots on Dots Blog Hop. I had completed 6 blocks and had another 6 started. Well life and work, specifically our fiscal year end and all the work that comes along with getting everything ready for the tax return prep done, kept me from getting back to this project. This is where I left off, the remaining 1/2 square triangles sewn together.
A little free time to sew finally came and they remaining 6 blocks were quickly pieced together.
My original plan was to sash them with the various dot fabrics from the blocks themselves, but as soon as I put them all up on my design wall, that plan flew right out the window. These blocks had enough going on and I knew immediately that if I added busy sashing, that the beauty of the blocks would get lost in all the visual chaos.
So what did I go with instead? Well plain white sashing of course. I kept trying to figure out which block is my favorite fabric combinations.
But I'm still torn and hence I declare that they all are my favorite.
The finished quilt top? Oh you want to see it? Why pray tell? It is just a bunch of fabric after all.
Oh Ok. If you insist!

I proudly present Dots in the Wind.
(sorry about the inside shot, it is all I had time for)

I elected to do a brick border in the various fabrics instead and I definitely like the way this turned out a lot better than my original plan. It is 48" x 62". This quilt is so bright and fun and full of color and I just love it. The best part is that I didn't buy one single fabric to make this quilt. Every last bit was from my scraps and stash, including the pieced backing. Yippee skippee for getting an entire additional quilt from leftovers. It will be hard to give it away. Tuesday it will be off to my quilter to work her magic.

Once it comes back and gets the binding completed, I'll be able to get the gorgeous outside photos and the true colors will be more apparent. And if you want to make your own version of this quick to complete quilt, the block tutorial is over at In Color Order, along with all her other tutorials for her HST blocks of the month. I see another one over there that will eventually become another quilt. Like I really need another project to add to my list! 
