Saturday, April 7, 2012

March results-Crafting By The Numbers

Pitiful in relation to my hopes and expectations when the month started. 8 days. Only 25.8% of the 31 available days.

As usual, life stuff took precedence and my right hand gave me a lot more pain and discomfort lately so I wasn't feeling up to sewing a ton. My enthusiasm was there but when my hand aches, I have to give it rest.

So far this year I count 25 days of crafting (27%). Blech!Oh well. I can only do what I can do. April is here and so far it is starting off much better. Considering the fact that I really need to get the 3 teacher quilts done (hopefully before this month is over) perhaps my April calendar will have a ton more X's in the boxes by month's end.

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