June 28, 2021

Vicious Villains Quilt for Anne

 Once upon a time, I saw a panel on a Facebook fabric selling group and new that instant that I had to buy it for my good friend Anne who is a huge Disney Villains fan.  Once the panel and the coordinating border and backing fabric arrive, I pieced it together and added it to the "to be quilted" pile and there it sat.  Forgotten about.  For way too long! 

One big thing the past year has brought front and center to my attention is to get my tail in high gear and get finished all these projects so that I can give them to the special people in my life that they are meant for.  Anne's birthday is in May so the plan was to get it completed as her gift.

Here's the result.
As many of you know, panel quilts typically don't look like much before the quilting is added and this one was no exception.
After the first row, I was happy with what I was seeing so far. Glide Medium Gray was the thread choice for this one.
Fresh off the frame.  What a difference!
Although I initially had a different panto in mind for this quilt, I ultimately chose to use Hurricane.  It had just the right amount of spikiness.
I was a tiny bit excited thinking about what Anne's reaction would be.  When I finished stitching down the binding and showed it to my hubby, even he said "she's going to love it!"
Sometimes, the wind blown pictures are fun but this is all the breeze I was getting that day.
When I purchased the panel and other fabrics, the shop owner didn't have enough of the pink print for the backing so I just pieced in another villains print I had along with a black spider web print. 
With all the business in the prints, the stitching isn't easy to see in the pic but it looks great in real life.  Black Glide thread was the obvious choice for the bobbin.
A couple of days after these photos were taken, it was gifted to the birthday girl and to tell you that she was beyond happy is a huge understatement.  She was absolutely giddy!
Anne has already decided that it's going to remain on her favorite chair to be snuggled with in the evenings when it's a bit chilly.  I'm beyond thrilled to finally have this one finished and to it's forever home.


Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

This is a great one - and I bet your friend just loved it!
I like your plan - get it in gear to give the quilts to the people!! good thoughts!

Patti said...

As well you should be it is great and to know it will be loved makes it even more special!