July 7, 2020

American Beauty table runner fnish

I finally made time to quilt and bind my American Beauty table runner and now it's gracing my dining room table for the summer.
This is an old UFO that started with these patriotic Blackford's Beauty blocks for the Celebrate Red, White and Blue blog hop way back in July 2012.

Almost 8 years ago to the day I put the blocks together and added the borders for the blog hop photo shoot.  Sadly, this wasn't my oldest UFO.
I even got my little helpers to hold it for a pic.  They were soooooo little then.  Jammer was 5 and Sunshine was 3 in this photo.
At that time I had no idea how I wanted to finish it so I put it away to marinate for a while.  Who knew that it would wait for so long.  But in all honesty, it ended up on my "To Be Quilted" pile and then forgotten about until recently.

I auditioned a few different quilting designs but in the end, decided to keep it simple with the Shooting Stars panto.  Glide Cardinal thread on the top and So Fine It's a Boy in the bobbin.
Even the backing fabric marinated for a long time.  I purchased this piece from who knows where many years ago and I'm still love it for this table runner.
It could even serve as a double sided piece if I so chose.
I'm thrilled to have it completed and even more happy to cross it off my UFO list.
Now I'm motivated to get more older projects finished and crossed off the UFO list.  This summer just might prove to be productive at least on that front.

Today the 2nd post showing the other setting options for the Moda Summer in the Country Quilt Along will be available. Check it out. 
Then every Monday through the rest of the summer 2 new blocks will be posted.  My block will be one of them featured next Monday, July 13th.

On September 7th, the bonus blocks and the completed quilts by 4 of the designers will be revealed.  I can't wait to see them all. 


FlourishingPalms said...

An eight year-old UFO? How great to finish it! Wow. And it looks as appropriate for Independence Day in 2020, as it did when you made it in 2012. Only your little people aren't as little, right?

Lorna McMahon said...

How satisfying to have this beautiful table runner finished!!! Congratulations on getting her done! How sweet to look back on our blogs to see these little glimpses of our lives through quilting... I am so glad to see you are still blogging. Not many of us left! Wishing you continued Happy Stitching!

Needled Mom said...

It’s great that you got it finished and can now enjoy it every year.

beaquilter said...

Love this block and runner! Looks totally accuquilt friendly.

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Nice!!! Look at you go on the finishes!!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congrats on a timely UFO finish!! Thanks for satisfying my curiosity about Jammer and Sunshine. Hard to believe that she is a preteen and he's a teenager now! Let me tell you, the next 8 years will go by even faster than the last 8 years. How do I know? My oldest will turn 25 this year!