July 3, 2020

A 100 Good Wishes Quilt for Ellis

My longtime blog readers know that I started quilting because of the ancient Chinese 100 Good Wishes Quilt tradition and because of that, I've been able to make a number of 100 Good Wishes Quilts for the daughters of friends.

This one was for Kris' daughter Ellis and it was a birthday gift this year.
It's always the layout for these quilts that takes me the longest to do in order to have the colors spread nicely across the entire top.
Once the sashing was sewn between the blocks, the blocks sewn together and the outer border added, it was ready to go on the frame.  This is the "Before" photo.
The "After" photo.  To this day I'm still in awe of the difference the quilting makes.
Kris found onlinethis absolutely gorgeous Plum Blossom fabric for the backing that she purchased and had shipped to me.
I love this backing fabric so much that I'm strongly considering buying some of it for myself.  For this quilt it truly was the perfect choice. Her Chinese name means Plum Blossom. 
Kris left the binding fabric choice up to me and once I had the backing in hand I was able to take it to one of my local quilt stores to find something that worked.  I fell in love with the Green print which matched so well with the Green Plum blossom branches.
This is Ellis when she received the quilt.  I think she's happy.
These 100 Good Wishes Quilts are truly an honor for me to make.  I so understand all the pent up hopes and dreams that they meant as we all waited to bring our children home. 
I'm thrilled that Kris finally sent me her squares so this quilt could be created.  None of the squares we all collected during that time should sit in a box waiting.  At least these squares aren't waiting any longer.


Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Lovely quilt!! and happy child!! when my nieces came home- we made 100 good wishes quilts for them, and it was so fun to work with everyone sending us pieces of fabric. Most people also sent a written wish - so sweet. this quilt will be cherished forever!

KatieQ said...

The quilting really does make this quilt come alive. It's wonderful that your friend not only found a beautiful fabric for the backing, but one that hold a special meaning for her daughter as well.

Needled Mom said...

That is a wonderful quilt. You are right. That backing fabric is perfect and gorgeous.

Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said...

Such a great pattern and reason to sew it.

Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said...

Not sure why I want getting your blog posts so I signed up again via blogspot. 😘

The Joyful Quilter said...

Lucky Ellis with her lovely new quilt!!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Fabulous scrappy quilt and it looks like it is already being loved. Thanks for sharing.

grammajudyb said...

It’s a great quilt! I’m going to do some research on 100 good wishes quilts.

Sue said...

I love the idea of good wishes cards with fabric for a quilt. Is it only for expected children or could it be used for sick friends or birthdays? sueclive at aol dot com

Miaismine said...

Such a beautiful quilt with a beautiful meaning behind it....Thank you for sharing!

beaquilter said...

Turned out lovely and happy recipient!