May 2, 2014

All done - Kate Spain Charm Swap Round 2

What was waiting for me when I got home from MQX East? 
A huge pile of envelopes filled with luscious Kate Spain charms. I had me some work to do.

This go around I tried to do it a little bit different so that it wasn't as much work as it was the last time. In batches I sorted them as they came in. Sunshine helped again too this time and I did actually get picture of that but someone (no names given out but a person not yet old enough to drive) accidentally deleted a few photos off of my camera before they got downloaded to the computer. Oh well.
The revised sorting method worked much better and in short order they were done, packaged and ready to be on their way. My favorite postal person was a bit shocked when I walked in with this bin full of envelopes to be mailed out earlier this week.
We've had a bunch of dark rainy days lately so it wasn't until yesterday afternoon that the sun finally came out and I could get some decent pictures of all the loveliness that each participant is receiving. How pretty is this?
Oh the gorgeous colors and the fabulous prints! It makes me want to run upstairs to my studio and totally forget everything else I need to get done so that I can play with these instead.
Unfortunately they have to wait because I have a ton of deadline projects that must take priority. But looking at them still makes me happy.
To add to the fun, there is a surprise inside each package. I was going to wait to reveal this little tidbit but I decided not to. Instead it will make each participant rip open their envelopes that much faster so that they can see these pretties for themselves. You see...during the sign up period I received an email from Lissa Alexander, the Director of Marketing for Moda. What I said? Way cool. Anyway she wanted to participate in the swap but instead of sending charms from already released lines, she was going to send charms from the next Kate Spain line Horizon which is coming out in September. Yes I was anxious to see which ones she picked and once the package arrived, they didn't disappoint. They are gorgeous! Thank you, thank you Lissa.
I'm betting that all of the swap participants will immediately put Horizons on their Wish List. I've already started designing a quilt for this line and hopefully will be able to get started on it early in the summer.

Since I laid them all out like this for Round 1 I figured I should do it for Round 2 too. Seriously L.I.K.E!
Another 6,272 charms passed through my hands in recent weeks and I think I'm good with that for quite a while. All told I've helped to spread the Kate Spain fabric love 12,544 times. I don't expect that I'll do anything else that many times in the future.


Brenna said...

I took part last time, and just finished the quilt top I made with all those lovelies. Thanks so much for your hard work - the top is one of my favorites!

Katie said...

OH Now I am super excited to see my charms come in the mail. Thanks you so much for all the hard work you have put in with these two rounds. I am thinking that I will be suing some of my charms when I start on the Tula Sampler Quilt -- 2 of my loves colliding for sure.

Val's Quilting Studio said...

Oh Michele this was such fun HAPPY MAIL to receive!!! THANK YOU for organizing this swap!!! How many squares do ya think we each received?? I'll be sure to share my quilt when it's done....probably this summer. :) THANK YOU again for this wonderful swap!!!

lissa said...


Thank you for organizing such happy happy exchange. I cannot wait to see the quilt you design using all these fabrics. Thank you for letting me be a part of it.

Emily Kim said...

Just found this...any interest in organizing round 3?!?! ;) LOVE LOVE LOVE Kate Spain fabrics!