Thursday, February 14, 2013

Quilt U be Mine Mini Mystery Round Robin reveal day

This is it! The day all of us and you have been waiting for. The day we all finally get to solve the mysteries and see what fabulous mini quilts were created by the members of the 6 groups these past 4 months.
Hosting this event has been so much fun (again) and you can be sure that there will be more themed events hosted here in the future. I really enjoyed seeing what arrived in my mailbox each month and putting my own little spin on it before sending it on to the next contributor.
I hope you enjoy hopping around to all the great ladies who participated and who have their mini quilts to share with you. Now on to the reveals!

1 of you added your own colorful comments:

roccagal said...

I would love to join your next round robin if you are planning to host again!
I checked out each participant and was floored by all your talented ladies!!!