December 14, 2012

I got nuttin!

Or to say it correctly "Nothing".

I have nothing pretty to show you today. No works in progress, no finished projects. Zilch!

The reason? Since the rush job quilt top was completed and speed delivered to my quilter, I've not stepped into my studio, except to iron a few bits of clothing here and there (I hate wrinkled clothes).

December is way beyond busy in this house and I'll be lucky to make it through until New Year's with my sanity intact. Besides work and gift shopping, we:

*Celebrated my daughter Sunshine's birthday last weekend (she is all about being a big 4 now)
*Had her in school birthday party on Monday
*A visit to our wonderful ENT on Wednesday to discuss and schedule her tonsil removal next month (not fun but very necessary)
*The school winter concert last night and the rush to get them there on time (why they did it on a school night is beyond me)
*Tonight is the adult holiday party at the firehouse
*Tomorrow is the kid's firehouse party plus Hub's work party
*Jammer's birthday happens during the school break so his class party will be next Tuesday. We'll be decorating cookies in class. Yippee! 22 five year olds, icing and sprinkles. Should be interesting to say the least.
*Both kidlets have their class Christmas parties next Thursday and then
*they are off from school for 12 days! Juggling work schedules are a must.
*My company's Christmas dinner party is next Friday
*The road trip and extended family (my side) Christmas is next Saturday
*We'll celebrate Jammer's birthday on his actual birthday
*His big party will be the weekend after Christmas
*The anniversary of receiving Sunshine's referral is at the end of the month
*And my bestest friend and her family are coming for a visit too

So as you can see, I'm beyond crazy busy. I really want to get some sewing done but I don't know at the moment when I'll be able to. I'd really love to give my sisters a special paper pieced project this year but I'm not sure if I'll get the time to make that happen.

I did manage to pick up the 4 quilts my long armer finished speedy quick. Two are my sister's quilts. I rushed them back out the door to send to her without taking pictures as one is a gift that she needs to get bound and sent off. I've asked her to share some pictures once the package arrives today.

The other 2 are my quilts, the Dots in the Wind baby quilt and the rush job quilt, which has to get the binding completed and out in the mail to it's future owner fast. I promise to share pictures of the completed quilts as soon as I can.

For now I'll leave you with many happy wishes for a stress-free-as-much-as-possible rest of your holiday prep time. Because of the fact that both of my kids were born right before Christmas I don't think my Decembers will ever be stress free!


Vroomans' Quilts said...

Oh, sweetie get some ME time in there somewhere. Happy Holidays -

Rachel said...

LOL, change a few words and your December resembles mine...deep breathing, that's all I can say, LOL! And a few hugs!

edyB said...

I'm with Rachel ... BREATHE! and get those HUGS!
Merry Merry...