December 15, 2011

No time, no time

I just want to quickly post here that I am reading all your fun comments on my giveaway but I just don't have any time at the moment to reply to your emails. I would like to though.

You see, we were on vacation last week (not a great thing during the holiday season that is so busy anyway), Sunshine's birthday happened during our trip but I still have her daycare class party today and her family party on Sunday. Today Jammer has a Polar Express party at school, swim lessons and his winter concert tonight. I'm not sure where we will fit in feeding them some dinner. Tomorrow night is the firehouse Christmas party. Add in the normal work and household stuff and I'm running crazy.

Next week is even worse...Sunshine's Polar Express school party, Jammer's school birthday party (yes both my kids have December birthdays), his actual birthday right before Christmas, Christmas itself, my extended family holiday celebration and fitting in his family birthday party somewhere too.

And I am no where near done shopping nor have I done one ounce of wrapping. I sure hope I get a chance to hop around the blog party myself before it all ends but who knows. At least I hope all of you are enjoying it.


Diane-crewe said...

oooh! Christmas is coming...Christmas is coming xxx