This will be the main focus for my daughter and I for the next 3 months.
I'm the Cookie Mom for my troop plus the Cookie Manager for the entire area of 70 troops and the Cookie Cupboard (where troops come to get more boxes of cookies after they pick up their initial order). I'm probably going to be counting boxes of Thin Mints and Samoas in my sleep.
Yes the cookie season is crazy, my troop is determined to be the top selling troop in our area for the 4th year in a row. I'll be helping to man cookie booths on weekends for a month in mid March to mid April but it is all worth it for the fund my troop earns that allows us to do so much.....our activities, great field trips and an awesome annual charity project. This year we will be filling backpacks with school supplies for the low income kids in our school district.
If you don't have a local cookie connection, I'd be happy to hook you up with Sunshine's online Digital Cookie order page so you can stock up this year. In addition, you can buy donated boxes for our school district's Bountiful Backpack program that provides a backpack full of food on Fridays to those low income kids so they have something to eat over the weekend. We also support our council's Gift of Caring program for donated boxes to US military and veterans.
It's definitely is an insane time of year for me but I hope that I can sneak in some sewing time too. All cookies and no sewing will not make me a happy person.
4 of you added your own colorful comments:
Now that I'm older, I find it hard to believe that I actually enjoyed cookie booth sales with my troop. I have no GS connections anymore. I would love to buy from Sunshine. Life without Thin Mints is like a day without sunshine or anything else that makes you smile.
Oh how I miss those Girl Scout days. We love our GS cookies and I'm always so happy to see this time of year come around.
Good luck with your sales, hope your troop is the top seller again.
What a wonderful way(s) to use those cookie funds!! Your commitment to this is certainly one that will dominate your days but oh so worth it!! We've bought boxes, here in our TX resort, too! They seem to be sold everywhere I turn!! Must do our part!! Hugs............
It will make a wonderful gift to a veteran. It's a shame that he didn't get to see it.
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