November 18, 2016

More Halloween City Sampler blocks

I have never neglected my blog so much as I have in recent months and it really bothers me.  I truly enjoy keeping up with what is going on in the quilting world.  Thankfully the busiest months for my Girl Scout Troop Organizer role is winding down so life (and sewing) can get back to normal.

My family took a much needed vacation last week, got home Saturday afternoon and my new-to-me longarm was delivered on Sunday.  The room is still under construction and I promise to share pictures very soon.

In the meantime, I'd like to share the small amount of sewing that I have accomplished recently.  These are all blocks for my Halloween version of Tula Pink's City Sampler.  This Purple block is number 24.
Next up is block 24.  It is fun to pair up different fabrics to achieve just the right look.
Then I completed block number 25 and that finished this group for that chapter.
The next chapter is about triangles and this is my version of block number 41. (I don't know why the colors are so off in this picture).
The happy monsters became the feature in this block number 42.
Block 42 was perfect for the larger witch print.
And block 44 worked well for the pumpkin and candy corn prints.
Last but not least in this triangle group is block number 45.
I then moved onto the rectangle chapter so here is block 61.
Continuing on the roll that night, I quickly finished block 62.
And the final one for this post is block 63. 
With these additional 11 blocks done I've got 48 total completed.  The last evening that I was able to sew I really wanted to get to the half way point but once I start the serious yawning I know that it is time to quit for the night or mistakes start happening.  Hopefully I'll have this quilt done by next Halloween.


Needled Mom said...

Cute blocks. Does life ever really slow down????