Saturday, April 30, 2016

Paradiso table runner #1 - a finished project

Surprise, surprise I actually have a finish to share.

Before the onslaught of Girl Scout cookies arrived at my house, I was itching to stitch up something fun and quick and when I looked in my stash dresser, I saw this jelly roll of Kate Spain's Paradiso.  The colors felt fresh and spring-ish so out it came.
The plan was to make a table runner, or more accurately two table for my smaller kitchen table and one for the longer dining room table.  I wanted them similar but not 100% exactly the same.  I started by sorting the strips.
I grouped some of them, sewing them into strip sets and then cut them apart.
A quick layout on the floor and a rail fence table runner was in the making.
It took no time at all to sew the rows together and then it was onto the quilting.  I chose to use a Hot Pink Fantastico called Giggles for the straight lines.
I wanted to do something linear but not as plain as just straight lines so I marked a box and quilted 2 sides of it working out at 1 inch intervals.  Then I did the same going in the opposite direction.  On the other 2 corners I marked the box on the outside and worked my way in.  I'm really happy with the overall effect.
I only got half of it quilted before the cookies took over so it sat for a few weeks before I could get back to it to finish it.

Ta Da!  Here is my finished runner. 
It's the perfect size for this table and it adds just enough prettiness to the space.
The colors pop against the darker wood of the table.
I used some of the leftover strips on the back with some thicker strips of white.  You can see the overall quilting design better in this photo.
Of course my napkin holder (from Classic Metal Company) that hubby got me for Christmas looks perfect in the center.
I still have to quilt the 2nd runner and am considering how I want to do that one.  As soon as it is gracing the dining room table, I'll share it with you.