Wednesday, October 1, 2014

R.I.P Lady Remington, happy mail, fun news and busy stuff

This is my 30+ year old lady Remington shaver that finally gave up the fight. As you can see, the little doohickie on the right that holds the blade on broke off. Considering how long I've had this shaver, I can't be upset that her time has come.  I certainly have gotten more than my moneys worth from it.
This is her replacement.  If she lasts 1/3 as long, I'll be a happy camper.  Even though I bought it locally, it got a lot of good reviews on Amazon so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.  Of course, having a magical fairy show up with the funds needed so that I could get the laser treatments and not need one of these ever again wouldn't be bad either.  I hate shaving my legs, it is a royal P.I.A, but it has to be done.  Why in the world that leg hair has to bother growing in the first place is beyond me.  Isn't there a pill that I can take?
I know that I haven't posted much fun stuff lately and besides the fact that the past few weeks have been insane, I've also been buried under all of this.  It is the pile of stuff that I'm taking to the bi-annual children's consignment sale.  Yes getting all of this ready is a ton of work but so worth it.  If I sell all of it (which of course doesn't happen but I usually do pretty well), I'll net almost $900. Not bad for about a week and a half's work.
And now on to happy news.....on Friday morning I got the surprise email from Connie over at Freemotion by the River that I won her Block Party by Ro Gregg giveaway.  Look at these beauties that are coming my way. (Photos borrowed from Connie as they haven't arrived yet). Thank you so very much Connie and to Fabri-Quilt who sponsored the giveaway.
The winning includes the beautiful flower panel. I just love the colors in this fabric line.
I haven't decided yet if I will make a quilt like Connie's or do something else with them but isn't this quilt still just absolutely gorgeous? She came up with a terrific pattern/layout and if I don't use this for my quilt I'm saving the idea for future use with other panels.  I have a train panel that I need to something with for hub's train room.
And to make last Friday even better, I received a surprise package in the mail from my good friend Kathy of Kwilty Pleasures. I really was joking when I commented on her blog that one of her fabulous Ghastlie mini quilts should come my way. Well don't you know that she was planning on sending me a little gifty anyway for helping her plan her Ghastlie swap.
A gift for my assistance certainly wasn't necessary but I sure do LOVE it and will treasure it as I treasure our friendship.  She quilted it with Black metallic thread so it has just a touch of blink plus she even quilted the gal's clothing and the spooky trees. Very cool.
I've already sent Kathy my many thanks but I'm doing that again here. Let me just say...quilty friends are the best!

On tap for the rest of this week is some quilting the EMS quilt and more work on the blocks for the secret Horizon project.  I'm so happy to have the consignment sale work done so that I can get back to sewing.

8 of you added your own colorful comments:

Susan said...

So sorry for your loss. That is/was a great razor. Mine is still going strong and its 40+ years old. I will be sad when mine goes.
Thanks for a wonderful blog!

Jocelyn said...

I have one that I've been using for (gulp) over 40 years just like Susan
:-) they don't make them like that anymore!

Needled Mom said...

I love your sweet Ghastlie mini! What a nice gift and what a nice win too. Connie always does such beautiful work.

Sorry about your razor. I hope the new one lasts as long. ;-)

StitchinByTheLake said...

Sounds like you've been a lucky girl this week! I too hate shaving my legs but I confess that I don't have to do it very often. Because I don't have a thyroid gland I have very little body hair....none under my arms at all. I'm feeling blessed. :) blessings, marlene

Kathy @ Kwilty Pleasures said...

Nothing like Ghastliess and legs. Or is that Ghastlie legs! Glad you like the mini kwilt! Bahahahhaha

Vicki said...

Busy, busy! How nice to get happy mail. Those fabrics and panel are wonderful. That treat from Connie is such special surprise.

dq said...

HOw exciting that you won at Freemotion by the River! Connie's quilt is gorgeous! I often visit that linky party - that's probably how I found your blog.

Anyway, Michele, I wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving sweet comments! Thank you!

Ivory Spring said...


Those florals are GORGEOUS!! Will be waiting to see what you do with the fabrics. :)