Monday, March 17, 2014

The Primary Bee blocks - January & February

The kids and I started to pull the fabrics for the March Primary Bee block and I realized that I never posted about the January and February blocks. Oops! I'm blaming in on being sick last month. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
For January, Mawg who's mom Chiska blogs over at Muddy Spring requested a Log Cabin block in Red, Brown and Green. Here is Sunshine working on hers. She is starting to get better at where to put her hands to guide it along the 1/4" foot.
And here is the really proud little girl with the completed block. She said "this block is really hard cause it has a lot of pieces."
Looking at that picture I notice that it looks like the 1st round is the same fabrics but in fact they aren't. The  palest Green fabric is just close in tone to the palest Tan one on the other side of the Red center square.

Here is Jammer with his completed block. He was in a bit of a mood and didn't want me to take any pictures during but I did convince him to let me take one after it was done and before it went in the mail, on its way to Mawg to be put together into the completed quilt.
The Bee Princess for February was Monkey. Her mom Nikita blogs over at Monkey and I. She chose the Rail Fence block in Hot Pink, Purple and Blue. Sunshine was up first; she is always willing to sew with Mom. Here she is again concentrating really hard on keeping the fabric lined up nicely as she guides it along.
A little pressing and a couple more seams sewn later, here it is all done.
Wow, again I notice a lot of tone similarity in the block, at least in this picture but is 2 different fabrics, one Purple and one Blue. I think taking these pictures inside is affecting how they come across on the net. 

Jammer was up next and again he didn't want me taking pictures while he worked. I sure hope that won't be the norm for the rest of the year but again he at least let me take a picture before it went in the mail to Monkey.
Sunshine is the Bee Princess for March so we'll be working on her own block and Jammer's block soon plus we will be showing you her bee mates' blocks as they come in. She is pretty excited that this month she will be able to keep the block she makes instead of having to send it off to someone else. I'm linking up today with Anything Goes Monday
stitch by stitch

11 of you added your own colorful comments:

Lesley said...

This is wonderful! Your children are indeed becoming masters of the sewing machine. Well done!

Judy@Quilt Paradigm said...

The blocks are great BUT. . . the SMILES!! How awesome to see Sunshine and Jammer so proud of their blocks - and proud they should be! They look perfect to me.

Val's Quilting Studio said...

I agree...the kids are learning fast! I had to giggle at Jammer's photo shyness...this is my favorite post so far today...just precious!

Chiska said...

They look great! I can vouch for the log cabin blocks looking even better in person. Great job! So fun to see their smiling faces. We have the same dynamic of the big brother not being quilt as excited as sister is about sewing. He's pretty thrilled when he's done, but it's a bit of challenge to convince him to start.

Vroomans' Quilts said...

I think this is a wonderful program and very nice blocks. There are adults who can't master a log cabin, so nicely done.

Needled Mom said...

That is such fun for them - and for you!

Liz - Carmichael Quilter said...

I love the blocks that your children made! They are wonderful!, I taught my oldest daughter how to sew and she is now an occasional quilter. She makes quilts for friends having babies. One out of three of my children isn't too bad! You have two out of toe sewing! Congrats!

JOY @ said...

Really enJOY seeing little ones working with fabric and needle! Great job!

ChristaQuilts said...

How wonderful! Those blocks are so great and they must be so proud!

Tina said...

I have such a talented nephew and niece! Great idea to encourage this kind of creativity, so young!

Anonymous said...

Sunshine's and Jammer's blocks are wonderful!!!! She will be thrilled to pieces(?) to see what she gets the next month!!!!!! The machine is really busy at your house!!!!!!!