August 24, 2013

Words from Joey's Mom

Joey's Mom Kathy posted this on their blog and I wanted to share it with all of you.

100-wishes quilt

In the mist of worries, anxieties and fear after Joey's recent scan, we received the most precious gift from friends and people we never met. One hundred family and friends donate a piece of fabric each along with a written wish for Joey. The quilter, a lady from New York, put all the squares (there are actually 120) into a gorgeous quilt. My friend, who came up with this idea, put the fabric samples and wishes into an album. There are quote, joke, Bible verse, poem, a saying or a wish from the heart.
When we opened up the quilt, everyone was amazed by the beauty and workmanship. Joey saw violin, gator, Chinese characters, panda, Chinese food, soccer...all things he loves. The back of the quilt is dragon, which is symbol of strength, good luck and wisdom. Joey can't wait to check out the fabric and wishes in the album by his friends. He read the album the whole night.
No words can express my thanks for people who made great efforts in this quilt. It lifted up the spirit of the whole family. When I feel down, I read the album. When I am worried, this quilt becomes my cozy comfort. May the luck, energy and good wishes from all the families and friends who contributed to the quilt surround Joey.

Life is bitter sweet. 

I normally don't copy and post so much from someone else's blog but I DO know that Kathy wants me to get her words of thanks and appreciation out to everyone that helped to make this quilt a reality and this is the best way to do that. Again I thank you for being kind, being generous and being wonderful quilty friends and helping to make this quilt of love for him.


Julianne said...

Awwww, that is so awesome, and I am so glad that I could be a tiny little piece of it. What a sweet boy, he looks so happy on his quilt!

Anonymous said...

Totally "ditto" Julianne's comment!! Thanks, Michele,once again and many blessings to you and everyone who played a small/big part in Joey's quilt/scrapbook. I am so happy our paths crossed!! Hugs.......