January 11, 2019

So what comes next?

This is the current state of my longarm frame.
I have way too many larger scrap pieces of batting that were just being stuffed into a bin and now I'm sorting and measuring it all so that I can piece it together as needed and get it used up.

Lesson learned!  From now on I will mark which brand/type and the size it is immediately to avoid this mess in the future.

There hasn't been much sewing going on at all over the past month due to the usual December craziness plus a lot of extra stuff. Thankfully life has calmed down with the kids back in school and the regular routine has returned. Added into the mix of holiday bedlam was the monumental task of  helping my boss pack up and clean out his office space. You see....after  45+ years he closed the business to retire and we had to vacate the space at the end of the year. It was a ton of long intense days but it's all done.

I have a bunch of badges and patches to sew onto a few Girl Scout vests and I'm behind in making the mini totes for troop member's birthdays.  These are the fabrics in line for the next 3.

Plus my house still needs to be de-Christmased which hopefully will get completed over this coming weekend. Hauling all those boxes up and down the stairs isn't a thrill but it has to get done.

 A lot of people, including my hubby, have been asking what's next for me? I've got some things in the works that I'm keeping my fingers crossed will work out as I hope.  I've been researching and working out details and will be making it all official very soon.

Until then, I hope your 2019 has started off well and I hope that this coming year brings lots of sewing and happiness to your life. 


Jeanna said...

Lots of excitement! Best wishes for what's next and Happiest 2019!

Val's Quilting Studio said...

Oh that extra batting....all my ends and leftovers are stuffed in a basket too. Be watching what you do with it all and your new adventures that lie ahead.

Kathy S. said...

I only use three types of batting. They are obviously different and easy to sort. When a customer gives me a quilt and the batting for it. All of the batting around the edge goes back to the customer.

Good luck to your 2019 venture.

Needled Mom said...

Sounds like 2019 will be exciting for you.

beaquilter said...

I usually label the scraps with size and write on a board. Small scraps iveI cut into 2.5" strips and made a jelly roll rug

Jan @Cocoa Quilts said...

Looking forward to your 2019. I've been a follower for a bit and always enjoy. Was just going to switch over to using feedly instead of bloglovin, check out your button for feedly, it may have an error.