Today's the day. The start of the 12 Days of Christmas in July Blog Hop being hosted by my friend Sarah from Confessions of a Fabric Addict.
The first 2 bloggers sharing their projects are:
Sharon Vrooman @ Vrooman’s Quilts
Carole Carter @ From My Caroline Home
Make sure you hop on over to their blogs to see what they created. Plus they are both hosting a giveaway. You don't want to miss getting in on those chances!
And here is schedule for the rest of the blog hop:
July 15th: Yanicka Hachez @ Finding Myself As An Artist
Chris Dodsley @ made by ChrissieD
July 16th: Marsha Hodgkins @ Quilter in Motion
Leanne Parsons @ Devoted Quilter
July 17th: Tonia Conner @ All Thingz Sewn
Selina @ Selina Quilts
July 18th: Lara Buccella @ Buzzin Bumble
Soma Acharya @ Whims and Fancies
July 19th: Joanne Harris@ Quilts by Joanne
Suzy Webster @ Adventurous Applique and Quilting
July 20th: Vicki in MN @ Vicki’s Crafts and Quilting
Jennifer Fulton @ The Inquiring Quilter
July 21st: Michele Kuhns @ Crayon Box Quilt Studio - that's me!
Jan Ochterbeck @ The Colorful Fabriholic
July 22nd: Alla Blanca @ Rainbows. Bunnies. Cupcakes.
Zenia Rene @ A Quilted Passion
July 23rd: Joanne Hubbard @ Everyone Deserves a Quilt
Paige Alexander @ Quilted Blooms
July 24th: Carolyn Jones @ …by CJ
Tisha Nagel @ Quilty Therapy
July 25th: Susan Arnold @ Quilt Fabrication
Beth Sellers @ Cooking Up Quilts
Linda Pearl @ One Quilting Circle
Sarah also has the first set of instructions for the quilt along she is also hosting each day. It isn't likely that I'll have time every day to sew along but hopefully at some point I can join in on the fun and make my own version of her Christmas quilt too.

Enjoy today's blog hop hosts and check back tomorrow to see who's sharing next.
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