There is a new member of the Crayon Box household and his name is Juno.
He actually came to live with us 4 weeks ago, the Friday before I went to MQX.
He actually came to live with us 4 weeks ago, the Friday before I went to MQX.
I had been trying to convince hubs that we needed a cat (or 2), that the kids would absolutely love having a pet (he really already knew that) and although he really wanted a dog, there was no way I was going to go out early to walk it nor do the same late at night, let alone clean up the evidence in the yard. If he really wanted a dog, he was going to have to do all of that because I wouldn't.
Juno came to us because a neighbor's daughter now has an 8 month old son who is very allergic and they made the painful decision to find him a new home. They love that we are right across the street from her parents and we are encouraging them to visit.
As could be completely expected in the beginning, he was out of his wits scared and hid under the couch the entire first day but as you can see, he is now relaxed and makes every place his own.
Oh rub my belly....purreaseeee!
Oh, um Hi I guess. That was me Juno above. I had no idea when I came to this new home and new family that I now had a job to do too. Jeez...what a guy has to do to earn his keep! Can some purrson purreaseeee tell me what being a "blogger" is all about?
I like this new place. The humans are really friendly but it did take me a while to get used to the shorter ones. The tiny one in my old home wasn't able to follow me anywhere as he only crawled but these two new little humans like to follow me everywhere.
Mr. Juno, as Sunshine likes to call him, is 4 years old and is a beautiful gray striped fella with subtle bits of light orange and some white on his chest and paws. He is a short haired guy, very soft and a real sweetheart.
He has been declawed in the front so no outside for him (though we might get a leash to give it a try) but he is really loving watching the critters outside the sliding glass doors. At his previous home, their backyard faces other backyards so not as many critters appeared to garner his attention. We've got woods behind us.
He bonded to me first and the kids were really great about giving him plenty of time to warm up to them. Most mornings now as I'm sipping my first cuppa (which he is trying to stick his nose into) he snuggles behind me on the chair or makes himself totally unavoidable by sitting on the desk right in front of the keyboard.
Yo, human Mom, some chin scratching needed here!
He has found my studio and likes to take up space on my sewing desk. Good thing I wasn't trying to sew anything at the moment. Thankfully he's still pretty skittish about strange noises so he isn't into going near the machines when they are running.
He's really curious and into checking everything out so we are learning as we go along what needs to be moved out of his reach.
My new Mom did introduce me to some really famous felines out there in the big world. Wow! I had no idea that some cats have furrrfan clubs. First she showed me the Smitty of the Tree Cats Ranch. How come he gets to explore outside and I don't?
Anyway, as she tells it, he is a real cerrrrlebrity in the blogging cats world.
He also has a sister named Gracie who is a much more laid back kinda gal so I hear.
I also met the gang that hangs out at Kate Spain Designs.
The one in charge is Franny. She looks like she is all business and one I shouldn't mess with.
She has a big task keeping Lou and Roscoe in line and doing their jobs purrroperly.
I don't know yet if I like this blogging thing but I'll give it a good try for now and decide later.
Hey do you see my gorgeous stripedy furs here? I really am gorgeous you know.
Ok Juno, that's enough for now. You can bet he'll be making more appearances here on the blog. His typical toddler cat antics are a blast and of course he needs to now stay in touch with his newly found furfiends, but he tells me that he wants to meet more of the "impurant" cats in quilt blog land. Plus I haven't even told him yet about the annual Pets on Quilts Show. You can bet we'll be submitting some entries this year.
Did you know...there is even a local ribbon winner, Mr Moe of Vroomans Quilts. I wonder if he'll become my furfriend? Mom doesn't know so I guess for now it's snack time.
Did you know...there is even a local ribbon winner, Mr Moe of Vroomans Quilts. I wonder if he'll become my furfriend? Mom doesn't know so I guess for now it's snack time.
Hey can't a guy eat in peace around here?
Juno is hanging out in some of the same places that my Frankie did, like on the dining room chairs under the tablecloth, where he thinks no one can see him.
But under the couch is his spot if he wants not to be disturbed. The center section where there isn't the metal framing for the recliner parts is just right and the kids can't reach him though we are teaching them that if he is there, he needs to be left alone.
It has been an interesting 4 weeks since Juno joined our family and I'm sure much more fun is ahead but right now, he's just itching to chase the birds or the squirrels outside.
13 of you added your own colorful comments:
Awww...he found such a loving home and will provide years of love for all.
It looks like Mr. Juno has found a wonderful new home! Soon he'll be doing a quality check on all your quilting, which is a very important job.
Beautiful! My 3 kids fight over our 2 cats (brothers) that were born in our home almost 4 years ago now. Sunshine and Jammer will be great for him and vice versa =)
Juno.... you are already doing a great job at blogging! Welcome to your new home and may you have many delightful years with your new family!
Tummy tickles to Juno.
Oh, love the new family addition - you all are going to enjoy that bond. And I warned Moe that he has some more compition come Pets on Quilts.
Looks like Juno found the purrfect home to become king of. M sister has trained her cats to walk on a leash so it shouldn't be to hard to get Mr. Juno used to one and then he can be king of the outdoors just like Smitty.
He is a beautiful cat - I see many hours of purring in his future. :) blessings, marlene
Beautiful boy! He already has an award named after him, so I wouldn't be surprised if there were more in his future. Welcome home Juno.
Juno surely is a handsome lad. Lucky for him that he found such an understanding and loving home. Wouldn't it be wonderful if all kitties were as lucky as Juno? We can only wish that someday that actually happens. I see many happy years ahead with Juno as part of your family.
congrats on your new miaw miaw
Welcome to the quilt blogging world, Juno. You are a very handsome boy and I'm sure you will have your share of furrfans, too! I'm looking forward to reading more of your adventures.
Mister Juno, you are a celepurrty in the makin!
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