Monday morning I caught wind that Sew Mama Sew's biannual Giveaway Day was coming this week and I decided to dive in and join in on the fun.
It just sew happens that I've been thinking that it has been a while since I've hosted a giveaway.
My longtime readers already know all thecrazy fun stuff about me but those of you that are new to my online home might want a glimpse into my world.
I'm a mom to 2 kidlets nicknamed Jammer and Sunshine. They are 8 and 6 sure keep me busy.
Hubs is a volunteer firefighter (over 30 years) and past fire chief so we never know when his pager will go off and he'll be rushing out the door. It has happened during a holiday meal more times than I can remember.
Last November I became a Moda Bake Shop designer and released my first pattern designed for that, Castles on the Horizon featuring Kate Spain's Horizon line.
I'm currently working on the design for my next Moda Bake Shop project which will feature Kate's new line coming out in October, Canyon.
And if you are wondering, Yes I am a full fledged, card carrying Kate Spain fabric fanatic. I have hosted not 1 but 2 Kate Spain Charm Swaps and I just might have a couple of more in the works for later this year (more details coming soon).
Let's see, what else can I tell you? I also love Halloween prints and especially the Ghastlies. I have a bunch of that one. I've made a few projects with it but many more are on my To Make list. Here is the cover that I made for my Lucy.
And here is the mini quilt that I made for the Ghastlie Swap hosted by my good online friend Kathy of Kwilty Pleasures last fall. She is a kindred spirit with me as she loves the Ghastlies and Halloween too.
I have a longarm machine (though at 17" it is technically a midarm) and her name so Penelope. I've had her for 2 years now though we've only gotten to know each other over the past year. She even got a fancy spa treatment last June that upgraded everything except her motor and now she purrs like a kitten. I just don't get as much time with her as I'd like.
Two years in a row I made quilts for the kids' teachers as end of school year thank you gifts. Here is a sampling of those. Nowadays I'm much busier and don't make full sized quilts for the teachers but I still enjoy giving them something handmade.
These 2 Red. White and Black Eight Pointed Star quilts were made from blocks sent by my blog readers in memory of my nephew Danny which were raffled off that year at the annual softball tournament in his name. This is the queen size one.
And this is the lap size one created with the additional blocks that I received. If you are interested, you can read the entire story about Danny and these quilts. The link to all the posts is in my sidebar.
This last quilt that I'll share today was the kids' art quilt for my daughter's school I created last spring. It now hangs for all to see in the school's lobby.
There are a lot more fun had on this here little ole quilting blog. I love to host other events and some I've done in the past are: Modern Mini Mystery Round Robin (2 years), Quilt U Be Mine Mini Round Robin, Kate Spain Charm Swap Rounds 1 & 2, Halloween See Saw Swap, It's A Sister Thing Swap (2 years) and The Primary Bee. Plus there are a few new ones in the planning stages. I also host a weekly Stunning Stitchin Sunday post where I showcase some of the fabulous quilting I come across on the web.
I guess after all of this blabbering about me and my quilty endeavors, you are wondering what I'm giving away today. I looked through my special box of giveaway goodies and decided to offer up to one winner this pair of Moda Social Club charm packs.
A few months ago I whipped up this duo of pillows with this fabric line and loved it so much that I acquired a couple of charm packs to give to one of you.
To enter:
1. Leave me one comment and just tell me....what sort of teacher gifts do you give each year, or if your kids are past this age, what kinds of gifts have you given in the past. I'm looking for some new ideas for this year.
2. My followers get a 2nd entry and please do it in a separate comment.
If you like you can also follow me on Instagram at @crayonboxquiltstudio and on my Facebook page though there isn't much there yet because I'm still trying to figure out how to link all 3 of these together.
The giveaway will close at Midnight on Sunday, May 10th and the winner will be announced. International friends are welcome to enter too. Although I usually respond to all comments, due to the large number of them received during these giveaway days, I will be unable to do it this time.
I hope you have enjoyed this little glimpse into my world and I'd love it if you stick around. You never know what fun little event that I'll decide to host next.
My longtime readers already know all the
I'm a mom to 2 kidlets nicknamed Jammer and Sunshine. They are 8 and 6 sure keep me busy.
Hubs is a volunteer firefighter (over 30 years) and past fire chief so we never know when his pager will go off and he'll be rushing out the door. It has happened during a holiday meal more times than I can remember.
Last November I became a Moda Bake Shop designer and released my first pattern designed for that, Castles on the Horizon featuring Kate Spain's Horizon line.
I'm currently working on the design for my next Moda Bake Shop project which will feature Kate's new line coming out in October, Canyon.
And if you are wondering, Yes I am a full fledged, card carrying Kate Spain fabric fanatic. I have hosted not 1 but 2 Kate Spain Charm Swaps and I just might have a couple of more in the works for later this year (more details coming soon).
Let's see, what else can I tell you? I also love Halloween prints and especially the Ghastlies. I have a bunch of that one. I've made a few projects with it but many more are on my To Make list. Here is the cover that I made for my Lucy.
And here is the mini quilt that I made for the Ghastlie Swap hosted by my good online friend Kathy of Kwilty Pleasures last fall. She is a kindred spirit with me as she loves the Ghastlies and Halloween too.
I actually got into quilting because of 100 Good Wishes Quilts. You can read about my journey here. So far I have made 4 of them and there are currently at least 5 more in the works. This one was for a sweet boy who was battling cancer and sadly lost last year.
This one was for a friend in California's daughter.
Two years in a row I made quilts for the kids' teachers as end of school year thank you gifts. Here is a sampling of those. Nowadays I'm much busier and don't make full sized quilts for the teachers but I still enjoy giving them something handmade.
These 2 Red. White and Black Eight Pointed Star quilts were made from blocks sent by my blog readers in memory of my nephew Danny which were raffled off that year at the annual softball tournament in his name. This is the queen size one.
And this is the lap size one created with the additional blocks that I received. If you are interested, you can read the entire story about Danny and these quilts. The link to all the posts is in my sidebar.
This last quilt that I'll share today was the kids' art quilt for my daughter's school I created last spring. It now hangs for all to see in the school's lobby.
There are a lot more fun had on this here little ole quilting blog. I love to host other events and some I've done in the past are: Modern Mini Mystery Round Robin (2 years), Quilt U Be Mine Mini Round Robin, Kate Spain Charm Swap Rounds 1 & 2, Halloween See Saw Swap, It's A Sister Thing Swap (2 years) and The Primary Bee. Plus there are a few new ones in the planning stages. I also host a weekly Stunning Stitchin Sunday post where I showcase some of the fabulous quilting I come across on the web.
I guess after all of this blabbering about me and my quilty endeavors, you are wondering what I'm giving away today. I looked through my special box of giveaway goodies and decided to offer up to one winner this pair of Moda Social Club charm packs.
A few months ago I whipped up this duo of pillows with this fabric line and loved it so much that I acquired a couple of charm packs to give to one of you.
To enter:
1. Leave me one comment and just tell me....what sort of teacher gifts do you give each year, or if your kids are past this age, what kinds of gifts have you given in the past. I'm looking for some new ideas for this year.
2. My followers get a 2nd entry and please do it in a separate comment.
If you like you can also follow me on Instagram at @crayonboxquiltstudio and on my Facebook page though there isn't much there yet because I'm still trying to figure out how to link all 3 of these together.
The giveaway will close at Midnight on Sunday, May 10th and the winner will be announced. International friends are welcome to enter too. Although I usually respond to all comments, due to the large number of them received during these giveaway days, I will be unable to do it this time.
I hope you have enjoyed this little glimpse into my world and I'd love it if you stick around. You never know what fun little event that I'll decide to host next.
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I have in the past made mug rugs and put them in a nice coffee cup or travel mug! Or homemade granola in a large mason jar! thanks!
It's been so long since I did teacher gifts, I can't even remember! Gift cards are always good, though-maybe Starbucks or something similar-or Staples.
I follow on Bloglovin and have your Castles on the Horizon pattern saved for a future quilt-love that pattern so much. Hope my quilt comes out as nice as yours did!
I need ideas too, yesterday was my daughter's teacher's birthday, she went thru my stuff and picked a stuffed mouse I had made... at Christmas I gave her a monogrammed purse that I also made. Before I've made mug rugs with a cup (but thought these teachers must have a gazillion mismatched cups) also did a target/walmart gift card and chocolate! This year is probably the last time we're doing gifts, as both my oldest will be in middle school next year, so.... I need ideas too
of course I'm a follower/stalker
Teacher gifts--when she was in elementary school I made lap sized quilts, in middle school it was gift cards, and now in high school it is gift cards and/or food. She has one teacher who loves Diet Coke, so we send in 12 packs of it. I am a teacher and I must say gift cards are great as gifts instead of another mug or bottle of lotion. The best gift card I got recently was to the liquor store. :0)
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I teach High school, so I don't normally get gifts :( I got a pair of socks with an Eiffel tower and a cat from a student this year (cause we talked about cats once). I like gift cards!
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Here in NZ I have never really seen teachers given gifts. My kids have left school so could be different
Bloglovin follower
I don't have kids so teacher gifts aren't on my radar BUT. . .I'd probably give a gift card in a handmade pouch. The gift card is super practical and the handmade pouch shows you did think about the gift more than just when you were in the check lane at the store.
I take gift giving very seriously. For Christmas I gave my sister a photo book I made of our road trip from Illinois to Seattle (that we took on my way to move from Wisconsin to Alaska), a tote bag (she loves tote bags), and a chocolate orange, her favorite flavor combination.
I have no kids, and we didn't give teacher's gifts when I was growing up, sorry not to help lol
Thank you for a great giveaway. My children are older now but in the past I have given homemade jam, make up pouches, thank you cards and writing sets. x
I follow on Facebook. x
Thanks for a great giveaway! I didn't give gifts to my kids' teachers, it is not a tradition where I live.
I have found mug rugs a great little gift and I make mine on my embroidery machine
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Wow! So much to love here! I am also working on my second MBS project(!!) and am also a big Kate fan...and I absolutely love charm packs :) I homeschool, so I guess my favorite teacher gift, to myself is ...hmmm, fabric?! :) thank you for a super fun post and a wonderful giveaway...I love Social Club!!
It's been so long since my kids were little and we did teacher gifts that it's hard to remember! I do remember giving them flowers or plants in pretty pots. Also herb gardens -- those were a hit.
I don't have kids but have heard a lot about teacher's gifts in the past few days! One of the best suggestions I saw was sending a letter to the principle of the school (and giving a copy to the teacher as well) commending the teacher. Teachers often don't get the accolades they should, and something like that can stay in their file and really be helpful for them in the long run!
We made a gift certificate entitling my son's teacher to three hours of classroom cleanup at the end of the school year. She loved it!
Now following you on FB.
I have given soap, gift certificates, plants,and kitchen knick knacks.
I follow you on bloglovin with the name shroomfrog.
I am a huge slacker and have never made teacher gifts
I dont have kids so no teachers for me. Ive never given teachers gifts when growing up though, maybe its an american custom?
I don't have any kids, so I've never had to deal with that. When I was in school 40+ years ago, my mother baked the best pumpkin and banana bread and we would give that to our teachers, most who were nuns and appreciated it! Thanks for the give away! jacklynnsteven at netzero dot com
I follow you via Instagram. jacklynnsteven at netzero dot com
I love giving zippered pouches with Starbucks cards in them! Thanks for the chance to win! mto2golsen (at) gmail (dot) com
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Teacher gifts. I've done keychains (webbing with fabric), mini treat tote bags, full size tote bags, small zipper pouches and I think that's it.
My kiddo isn't in school yet, but for the girls that take care of him at daycare, I make them treats and bring them in. My baklava is the big hit. I get begged for that one!!! Thanks for the giveaway!
I've given zippered pouches with bookstore gift cards tucked inside, quilted memo boards using chalkboard fabric and shopping totes!
Thank you so much for the giveaway. It has been a while, but the last teacher gift I made was a basket filled with a handmade appliqued towel, a potholder, an apple pencil holder, and some homemade goodies to eat.
Last year I made our teachers wall hangings with pieced pencil crayons in rainbow colour order.
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My kids are all grown but I used to give baked goods.
No kids yet, but I like gift cards.
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Being a former teacher I used to pray for anything that wasn't an apple. Tote bags always work. Love me some kate spain and am a charm pack collector.
When the boy was in K I gave his teachers turtles I had crocheted for them because that was their nickname for him. His 1st grade teacher didn't get anything because she was a super B word. 2nd grade we started homeshooling so I don't know what kind of gift I will give myself. Maybe a fabric bundle?! lol.
I never gave gifts to my son's teachers. I didn't have the time then. These days though I love to give homemade fruit butters, breads, and other baked goods to people.
Gift cards make nice teacher's gifts.
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I figure candy and coffee are never looked down upon!! Thanks for the giveaway!!
Ugh! I'm not quite sure on teacher's gifts. My only kiddo is just in kindergarten. For Christmas, we did a gift card (can't go wrong there, right?!) and a few treats.
My oldest is only in her second year of preschool, so I really don't have experience...I'm thinking school supplies, though!
All out teachers get a personalised cushion cover for end of year and a mug rug with mug and nice goodies for Christmas
My children are grown. I do sew some things for my grand children to give but this year I let them sew up something.
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My dad was a teacher. I liked it when he received chocolate covered cherries.
I follow you by email. Your current post is very interesting.
I'm not there yet... I've got a 2 year old and a 3 week old; however, my parents were both teachers and I taught for a year as well. I loved using the lotions that my mom always received, but this can be tricky as some people are very sensitive to scents. I received a Subway gift card from one of my students, which I really appreciated!
Great giveaway, that is a super line of fabric! Welllll, my kids are grown and on their own and when they were little I Homeschooled them! LOL Teacher gift? Ummmmm a day off to sew?? :D My daughter is a teacher now and I get to see all of the gifts that she gets. I like the orchid that she got last year (STILL ALIVE!) and a tomato plant was nice for the summer.
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For gifts this year, I've been making all cotton microwaveable bowl holders! They're quick to make and people love them. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I think a cute zippy pouch with a gift card would be a great gift.
I have been following with GFC.
I find gift certificates are always appreciated. I have a lot of teacher friends and while they love the sentiments behind the gifts, they just don't know what to do with the stuff. As far as handmade gifts, I think useful items like dishtowels and placemats would be good.
Zipper pouches for teachers lately
I liked giving gift certificates, usually to a restaurant.
my kiddos are past this age. they are now 30 and 27. but back then it really all depended on what crafts I was into at the time. I would fabric paint a button down jean shirt, make baskets with goodies in them, sew placemats, give a gift card to a restaurant with some chocolates, etc..
I follow you by email. what a lovely family photo. your kiddos are growing up so fast.
I never gave teachers gifts
I like to give coffee mugs filled with candy, usually chocolate kisses. Thanks for the giveaway, and I like your work!
I have my son write a thank you letter to his teacher telling what he appreciates about her and the school year. Gift cards seem to be appreciated too.
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My cousin is a teacher and loves to receive homemade gifts for her kitchen.
My kids are grown up and I can't remember most of the gifts we gave but one in particular was a pillowcase doll that my daughter and I made for an Oregon trail project she was doing and the teacher loved it so we gave it to her at the end of the school year. She couldn't believe that we actually gave it to her.
I don't have kids, but a coworker was telling me today that her child's school has the students each bring in a flower and then they make a big bouquet for the teacher with a flower from each student. I thought that was a fun idea.
I've given gifts like cookies and treats in a nice mug!
My kids are long past that stage, and truthfully I don't think we ever gave teacher gifts back then.
As a homeschooler, I give myself the summer off!!
We like to give some flowers from our garden with a gift card to a coffee place, and a thank you note. :)
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I think mug rugs or a mat that covers their big desk would be a great idea. I sure could use the fabric. Fingers crossed. Thanks for sharing.
I give my kids' teachers gift cards... I sometimes make random presents for them, but I worry that they like the gift cards more. :D
I used to give gifts of Thank You cards or art supplies. Teachers are giving people and appreciate what they can share with all the kids they love, and they're generally very thankful for it, too. School art programs are notoriously under funded and they're usually picking up the cost on their own. Gift cards to Oriental Trading company or locl craft stores were welcomed, too. - I once turned a teacher on to glue dots. Lets just say her classroom tables and floors appreciated it ; )
Thanks for this great giveaway opportunity!
I always give my kid's teachers gift cards. This year is Kindergarten teacher is really special so I'm going to make her a quilt. Thanks for the chance!
I don't have children, so it's a bit of a trick question for me :) Back in my own school day, my teacher would usually get flowers
For the female teachers I'm going to whip up some zip pouches and include some treats and a starbucks card. The male teachers will probably get a movie package.
I give gift cards. They are easy and the teachers really appreciate them.
I don't have kids, but I gave my favourite teachers toffee.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com
my kids worry about that because i am a grandmother
follow on gfc.....bewtjwatoutlookdotcom
When my kids were in scholl I gave cookies in a jar.
This is my daughter's first year in school so I'm looking for some good gift ideas.
I'm a Kate Spain fan too!
My grandchildren are school aged now and their moms think up good things to give. Mason jar cookie mixes, cold drink containers with the straws with flavoured water packets in them, picnic blankets, etc.
My daughter is a teacher of kindergarten, and for sure, she doesn't need another MUG!!
Love your giveaway, would love to win.
we homeschool....
A tissue holder.
I used to make zipper pouches for my youngest son's teachers and therapists and included notes of thanks for all they did to help him live his best life. We were blessed by these generous teachers.
When I was teaching, the best gift I ever got was a gift certificate from the entire class for a local plant nursery. So thoughtful!
a great teacher gift...I would make a large tote bag
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Brownie mix in a mason jar
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Cookies in a jar was always a big winner
I don't have kids, but I am a teacher. A thoughtful, handwritten note is always the best thing to receive.
I don't yet have children, but I think I would pair the gift to the teacher--if she was a coffee/tea drinker I'd make a cup sleeve or cozy or if she were a gardener I'd make a small tote for her things. There are some excellent patterns out there for small fabric bins with or without handles...a few of those could be used for anything!
Our children are all grown now, but when they were in elementary school, one of the gifts that was always well received was a mason jar full of dried bean mix, the recipe for making bean soup with it as well as a homemade mix for a savory quick bread to make on a rainy summer day. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win!
I try not to do the usual food gifts (unless it's something I know my kids' teachers really like). I either team up with the other parents to get a gift voucher for the teacher's favourite store, or I make something based on personal stories they have shared with me and my kids. :)
I struggle with teacher gifts every year. Last year I made tote bags and put some books and a gift yard inside. This year the PTA sent out a wish list for each teacher so I am getting stuff off of the list. The only homemade one is a couple of pillows for the reading corner.
Our school always had a bookfair early in the school year and I would purchase books for the teachers to use in their classrooms. They always seemed to need books for the classroom.
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i don't have kids so i don't give teacher gifts. zipper pouches sound like a good way to go.
Well, I'm not really into teacher gifts but I am a teacher and I got a pretty cool one yesterday. It was a bottle of pop with a note attached that said, "pop, pop, fizz, fizz, oh what a good teacher you is!". I loved it!
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I don't have kids, but if I did, I would give a Starbucks gift card in a paper coffee cup with lid. Or make a coffee cozy and wrap it around a coffee cup. Another idea would be to make a zipper pouch with their initial hand-embroidered on it.
Hmm. I don't have children, so I don't have teachers to give gifts too. I know something unusual is always nice. Something that everyone isn't giving. Bookmarks, keychains, lanyards.
Not a mom so no teacher gifts coming from me, sad to say! Sorry I'm no help at all, but thank you for the chance to win. :) stephmabry-at-yahoo-dot-com
My kids aren't that age yet but I taught for several years. The best gifts I ever received were a poem written by a child and another child who brought me a single sunflower. Sunflowers are my favorite and I always used sunflowers in my classroom. She noticed and that meant the world!
new follower on instagram (littlehousenthedairy)
My son is 29 so no teacher gifts, but I recently made some Apple themed potholders and mug rug for a coworkers childs teacher and she loved them!
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We're past that now but, bookstore gift cards were always great. I did make a few quilts, baby quilts and pillows for special teachers.
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My kids are not in school yet
When my son went to school we always gave his teachers a gift certificate to a stationary store.
lin.web.28 at gmail dot com
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lin.web.28 at gmail dot com
I am a retired teacher and mother of grown children. My favourite gift as a teacher has been a couple of recipe collections that mom and student compiled in their own handwriting. One student is now a father of two and it is wonderful each time I use a recipe from his cookbook in his Grade 2 printing. As a mom I made handmade gifts for my kids' teachers. As these teachers were also colleagues it was very easy to personalize their gifts. It was handmade ice fishing socks one year for my son's teacher. He loved them and I had to make him a second pair! On another subject I understand completely the life of a volunteer firefighter's family. My husband too has been firefighting for 30 years, was fire chief, and now since he has retired from his teaching career is the Fire Prevention Officer going into schools to teach fire prevention. He has also recently become the Fire Safety Officer at a fire scene. No more entering burning buildings for him but he continues to fulfil a very important role within the department. Thanks for letting us know a little more about yourself and for offering this giveaway.
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My children have been out of school for so long that I don't remember what we gave as end of school gifts!! But I'm sure they were awesome! Thanks for the giveaway.
I follow your blog via email. Thanks.
goodness! I don't have any kids and giving gifts to teachers wasn't the custom where I'm from.
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I am a teacher and my favorite gift to receive is a handmade card. If the parent wants to tuck in a Starbucks card that's fine too!
I'm a teacher myself, so I give coffee giftcards.
Thanks for the giveaway!
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Our sons have yet to start school!
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My daughter is only 20 months old, so we haven't had to worry about teach gifts yet. But my family has plenty of teachers... they are always grateful anytime someone shows appreciation in anyway. Mugs + mug rugs with some cocoa or chocolates would be a big hit.
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Beautiful quilts. I made ornaments. Also gift card holders with gift cards in them....the holders are great for carrying my credit cards in.
I only have a two-year old so far, so no teacher gifts yet. But I am definitely a fan of functional gifts - pillows, potholders, aprons, etc. I hope that your children help contribute to the making process too!
A plant, or restaurant gift card :)
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We tried to give handmade gifts to my daughters teachers. Gifts that they helped make. Reusable totes were always a hit.
I used to make pottery and my children gave teachers a piece of my work and then made their own gifts when they were more skilled.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
I follow on Bloglovin' and Facebook - your cushions are great!
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
The most appreciated thing we ever gave (the kids are grown now) were moose steaks. We lived in Alaska and were given 1/4 of a moose for our freezer, and we didn't need that much so we gave the teachers some of the really wonderful steaks.
I don't have kids, can I still enter? :) When I was a kid we didn't do teacher gifts, but I imagine pouches could be quite fun.
I usually gave bath products and lotions. Thanks!
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Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
If you don't want to make something call all the parents, get a big gift cert to the grocery store. Everyone needs food. I used to put a basket together, food related, coffee related etc.
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Have to agree with the Kate Spain addiction and the fabulous Ghastlies (I have a little hoard of fabric!). The last thing I made as a gift was a paper pieced book cover showing a Lego figure.
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When I was teaching, my favorite teacher gift was one I received at Christmas from a student. She gave me a darling Christmas plate and filled it with my favorite fun size candies.
Pink Scissors Design on Etsy
pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com
Teacher gifts are about a gift card? Cute blog!
When my son was in school I was a Pampered Chef consultant so I used to give kitchen gadgets and small recipe books. If I were giving teacher gifts now I would probably make pot holders and/or scarves.
I follow your blog via GFC.
Don't need to give teacher's gifts but I think the idea of a zippy pouch with a gift card would be appreciated by anyone!
Thank you for the giveaway - I'm a Kate Spain fanatic too and I can't wait to see your Moda Bake Shop project - those colours are gorgeous :) I don't have kids yet and I don't remember the children doing fancy gifts when I was at school - just a box of chocolates at the end of the year - your kid's teachers are so lucky! x
I can't help you out I'm afraid. i don't have any children so don't need teacher's gifts. I'm a massive Kate Spain fan so it was great to get a glimpse of her next collection.
Gift cards are always a good choice for teacher's gifts.
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Teacher gifts: hanging tea towels, tea wallets, embroidered tea towels - you get the theme, right??!!
In the past all the parents of our groop gathered together and presented our teacher certificates for beauty centre, SPA-saloons, parfume-shops. All woomen like to relax and shopping for herself :)
The last couple of years I've made "relaxing neck" pillows. They kind of look like a dog bone, but they feel good.
GFC follower
When my children were at school I liked to make tote bags!
I bought some porcelain pens and coffee mugs. I drew straight blue lines on the cup and then I got my children to write "thanks for being a great teacher" on them. I then fill the mugs with pens, chocolate and coffee.
Also bags, baskets and storage items are always appreciated as is chocolate and stationery.
PS - I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Ghastlies!! Your quilt is gorgeous.
I don't have any children, so teacher gifts weren't a thing for me, but those pencil pouches seem to be quite the hit (per the inner webs).
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Last year I did mug rugs along with mugs and fillers. This year I'm going to make some cute patchwork tote bags in their favorite colors and fill them with various things like a notebook, chocolate, etc.
As a former elementary teacher, I loved gift cards to restaurants. I spent so much time at school, I appreciated a gift that allowed me to treat my family to a special night out, all together. Thank you for the chance to win. Email :
It's been a while since my kids were in elementary school, but I remember giving their teachers hanging baskets of flowers.
I can't wait to see what you make from Kate's gorgeous new line.
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I have done zipper pouches, chocolate truffles, homemade jam, homemade salsa, etc. After substitute teaching yesterday and visiting with the teachers at lunch, I have realized that the PTO does not help them as they used to and their classrooms are in dire need of supplies. So, I may just give them a gift card this year.
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How about a gift card for a book..that would be nice.
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I did my first teacher gifts last year for my daughters preschool teachers (5 of them) I made them personalised embroidered notebooks with their names embroidered on the fronts.
I've never had kids, so no teacher gifts from me, but I think they would always appreciate a gift card to a restaurant.
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My teachers never got gifts - and I don't plan on starting that as a tradition when I have kids to send to school. But I guess that's just the cultural difference, it's just not somehting you do.
But I guess we can all always use small pouches and bags, key fobs, lanyards ....
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Teachers gifts. Disclaimer -- I am neither a mom or a teacher, but I have teacher friends. Most of them don't need more stuff like cologne or desk doodads. Something that can be consumed (cookies, a cake, a pie) or a gift card that allows the teacher to use it however he or she wishes. Perhaps the best thing I would suggest is that whatever you choose be accompanied by a "Dear ---" letter from each child, telling what they liked best about the school year and what they will remember about the teacher (or similar sentiments). That will probably mean more than anything.
Not an entry: Just have to say that my heart jumped when I saw that stack of Kate Spain fabrics, thought it was the giveaway, and just KNEW this would be the one I'd win! LOL
I don't have any kids, so never done teacher presents, but my niece's teacher was a friend one year so my sister did a summer-vacation kit: cute tote bag stuffed with a new beach towel, sunscreen, some edible goodies, etc and small amount gift cards for things like the bookstore + movie theater. Also my niece handmade a card.
Since so many people are health conscious these day, they probably are not looking for cookies, candy or such. I think a gift card would be a welcome gift. Maybe to the local "coffee" place, local restaurant, or just a generic card that they could use anywhere and by anything they want.
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Pretty new to the teacher appreciation, but have opted for gift cards and cookies (decorating sugar cookies is my other passion). Glad to see here that they are appreciated! I kind of figured that the teachers had pretty much every gadget imaginable by now so opted for something that they don't get all the time or something specific to get themselves with a gift card.
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I was my children's teacher for most of their school years, so I don't have a lot of experience, but my relatives who are teachers appreciate gift cards.
donnalee1953 (at) gmail (dot) com
When my kids were in school...we were told no gifts to the teacher! I don't remember now why (its been nearly 20 years ago!) but probably the favoritism issue! I love your charms. I need some throw pillows..these would be nice!
I don't have kids so I've never done teacher gifts. I think my sister gives Bath and Body Works lotions to her kids' teachers. Thanks for the chance to win!
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I do not have children, so I do not have to do teacher gifts. However, I have two lovely nieces and since my sister bakes, she usually does personalized cookie bouquets or cupcakes for their teachers. Thanks for the chance and good luck with the ideas.
dragonfly9716 at yahoo dot com
I usually give chocolate or a small homemade bag!
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My kids are all grown. As a retired teacher, I know what not to give teachers, so I come up with ideas and items for my grandchildren's teachers. Tote bags are on the list this year!
I don't have kids, but I've seen other people make Sew Together bags, which I think is useful for anyone, even non-sewers!
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I love to give a great travel mug or insulated cup with a lid and a starbucks gift card.
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