This is Colleen's Blue quilt for the other nephew that I mentioned in the previous post but she used a totally different pattern. I can't say which I like better. They're both great.
In process. The top thread is Omni Teal and although that sounds like it would look very Green-ish, it's actually a really pretty shade of Blue which worked perfectly for this one.

I truly love how the stitching takes a pretty quilt top.....
.....and transforms it into something fabulous. Whether the stitching is simpler edge to edge designs or intense custom work, once a top is quilted, it really shines. The panto is Calder.

You'll chuckle at this.....I know for a fact that I took outside final pictures of this quilt because I did it at the same time as I took the pics for the other Blue quilt...but for the life of me I can't find where I saved those pics on my desktop. So I can't share with you the "glamour" shots. 

Oh well, I'll find them eventually. When Colleen picked up the 2 Blue quilts, she brought me 2 more tops to stitch so I'll be sharing those with you next.
Kudos to Colleen finishing 4 quilts and Michele getting them all quilted.
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