Here are just a few more of the beautiful quilts that I saw last Saturday at the Flights and Fantasies Quilt Show at the New England Air Museum.

Making quilts from salvages is very popular and I like this one. It is different from the others that I've seen. i don't save salvages so I'd just use scraps instead.
This Bali Wedding Star quilt was one of the Viewer's Choice winners.
Another great scrappy quilt and I love the overall effect.
This one was another Judy Neimeyer design, this time the Total Eclipse pattern.
My longtime readers know that I love Halloween so of course I fell in love with this quilt.
Just gorgeous.
So much fun! And obviously so much work.
Look at all the detail.
Love, love, love the quilting.
And this quilting design too.
The use of all the negative space on this quilt is perfect.
The kitty quilt got a lot of attention and it got mine too but for different reasons than most others.
Each block was quilted with a different pattern so that is what I noticed.
The double line cross hatch is cool.
Trust me, those pebbles are really small.
Tiny, dense leaves.
Mini feathers.
Can I just say Wow on this one?
There was a small display of Dear Jane quilts and of course this is the one that got my attention the most.
And one of the very best parts of the entire day was meeting Jackie herself and getting to chat for a few minutes. She is so fun and sweet and I can't wait to take a class from her.
Although the quilt designs that she teaches intimidate me quite a lot, she made me feel that I could indeed accomplish one. Soon, very soon.
uhhh lovely quilts and great detail on the quilting patterns. love the dear jane in rainbow colors, is that your next project?? lol
Oh my gosh. I used those kitties in the second quilt I ever made back in 1988. Found them in a book from the Goodwill. Too fun to still see them being used.
Those quilts are all amazing and the quilting is striking. What fun it must have been to see them up close.
Wow!! Those quilts are amazing.....the kitty quilt gives so many quilting ideas for beautifully done!! Thanks for sharing!!! Hugs.....
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