Definition for fugly:
When she was adopted her mom didn't know about the 100 Good Wishes Quilt tradition in northern China. She isn't the crafty type either so this isn't something that appealed to her. I want to make one for her daughter myself. You can read about the tradition here.

Once the quilt is made I will attach a small piece of each fabric to each wish and place them in a scrapbook for the little girl to read. My son Jammer loves to read the wishes in his own scrapbook and he knows that people all over the US and the world wished him a happy life with his forever family and much love for a bright future. Sunshine can't read yet but she knows that her scrapbook is "mines". This is what I want to give to her.
Anyone who wants to also send me a piece of their own fabric for me to use is certainly welcome and I would greatly appreciate it but please send at least a 10" x 10" square (since I haven't decided what pattern I will use yet) and it must be 100% cotton.
Web definition: (slang) Extremely ugly.
Well maybe not to you. Maybe you love these or they are the perfect little addition to your stash. To be totally honest, I actually like a few of these little bits but I know that the likelihood that I would ever actually use them is slim. Either way I am giving away this bundle of pieces to a lucky winner (plus it will give me more space in my stash dresser for new goodies).
Included is the following 12 pieces of various fabrics ranging in size from 4" x 25" to a FQ or slightly more (the rubber ducky fabric is flannel). In addition there is a stack of 95+ 4" charms perfect for a variety of small projects.
What do you have to do to win you ask?
1. You must be a follower of course.
2. Hop over to Fat Quarter Shop and tell me which of their "Coming Soon" lines you will definitely be buying. I like to see what everyone else is itching to own.
2. Hop over to Fat Quarter Shop and tell me which of their "Coming Soon" lines you will definitely be buying. I like to see what everyone else is itching to own.
That's it. Simple. Easy. Entries will be accepted through midnight EST Monday Feb 13th. The winner will be announced on Valentine's Day. So show me some fugly love.
As a bonus I have also having my special 2nd chance Giveaway!
For a while I have wanted to make a special quilt for a very special little girl in our lives. She is the only child of a friend who is a single mom. She is turning 8 soon and was born in China just like my little Sunshine. Unfortunately with her mom's work schedule and other commitments, she spends a great deal of time with her grandmother and has to play by herself. We have her over for playdates as often as we can and we include her in our adventures when possible but she craves so much more.
When she was adopted her mom didn't know about the 100 Good Wishes Quilt tradition in northern China. She isn't the crafty type either so this isn't something that appealed to her. I want to make one for her daughter myself. You can read about the tradition here.
The problem is that while I certainly have enough bits of fabric here to add up to 100 pieces, I don't have the wishes that would go with them. That is what I am hoping you will help me with. Anyone willing to write and send me a wish or special quote for her made pretty scrapbooking style I will include in a giveaway for this 2nd set of fugly fabrics (similar sizes as above except that the blue stars fabric is one yard) .
Those that respond to this request I will email my name and address (I prefer not to have it out there on the net) so please make sure that you are not a no-reply commenter. Here are a couple of examples of wishes that I received for my kids to help you see what I am asking for.

Once the quilt is made I will attach a small piece of each fabric to each wish and place them in a scrapbook for the little girl to read. My son Jammer loves to read the wishes in his own scrapbook and he knows that people all over the US and the world wished him a happy life with his forever family and much love for a bright future. Sunshine can't read yet but she knows that her scrapbook is "mines". This is what I want to give to her.
Anyone who wants to also send me a piece of their own fabric for me to use is certainly welcome and I would greatly appreciate it but please send at least a 10" x 10" square (since I haven't decided what pattern I will use yet) and it must be 100% cotton.
It goes without saying that I would love to spread the word about this request far and wide. I don't have 100 followers yet so getting 100 wishes might not be easy. The more people that hear about this, the better chance I will have of reaching my goal. If you blog about this or mention it on Facebook or Twitter (I'm not on either one) let me know in the comments and I will give you another entry for the 2nd chance giveaway.
Thank you for reading this and considering helping make a very special young lady extremely happy, knowing that so many people simply care.
Many thanks to Lucy over at Charm About You for coming up with this awesome idea. Don't forget to hop on over to her site to find all the other linkys of fellow participants. You never know what sorts offugly lovely goodies someone else is willing to part with.
Many thanks to Lucy over at Charm About You for coming up with this awesome idea. Don't forget to hop on over to her site to find all the other linkys of fellow participants. You never know what sorts of
Hi Michele! I'd love to send some fabric and a quotation, but I'm not sure how fancy you need the quotation done. Can I email you the words and you can print it out nicely somehow?
I have your address from when you won my giveaway. :-)
Oh, I just love the Sincere Best Wishes line. I'll have to get that one.
Of course, I'm a follower of your wonderful blog.
I LOVE the Aunt Grace Keepsakes line that will be coming soon!! What a cheerful and happy little quilt that would make!! :-) Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful prize!! I love your Fugly fabrics! :-)
I would love to send a special wish for this precious little one!! Please send me all the info--- also, what size would you like the scrapbooked "wish" to be-- and any particular type of fabric? Pastel, bright, novelty...etc? Thanks again! I'm definitely saving this idea for future baby showers! :-)
I'm a new follower and am absolutely IN LOVE with the Poetica yardage coming soon over @ The Fat Quarter Shop!!!
I'd have to say that "A Walk In The Woods" bundle would be up there on my list of favorite things coming soon from the FQS. Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway!
I am a follower! Thanks for the second chance to win.
I like Abigail Fat Quarter Bundle
BJ Lantz for Quilting Treasures
at the FQS.
Im a new follower, Im patiently waiting for Abigail, my mums a gail and its a great colour palette for her
Boo Crew. I love anything Holloween.
I am a follower
I likes A Walk In The Woods line from FQS coming soon section.
I know about this tradition, I'm an Asian. I heard about this from my relatives. I loves to send my special wish for Sunshine. Please send me all the info and the scrapbooking measurement too. :)
I would love to do the quotation, but I am not a scrapbooker. I am a new follower. I look forward to getting to know you.
I'm your newest follower. I'd love to do a wish thing for Sunshine! Send me the particulars and I'll get my daughter busy! Can we do two?
I just received notification from Kimberly at FQS that a line I've been waiting for,( namely Sandy Gervais designer select bundle) is in. Now, can I justify buying it? Ah, that is the question!
Hi Michelle, You have some interesting fabrics here, some would be perfect for my charm quilt. I am waiting for "Cheerful Christmastime" by Anni Downs of Hatched & Patched A fellow Aussie.
I am looking forward to the next bloggers choice package. Hope I win your give away.
Stop by for my quilt givaway to guess my babys b-day and weight.
I am a new follower:
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From The FQS Coming Soon I like A Walk in the Woods by Aneela Hoey for Moda Fabrics
Thanks for the chance to win use your fugly fabrics. I'm seeing some hexies and other quilts in that pile of lovelies.
I am a new follower. I just love the Duck fabric in your collection. My baby girl (18 months old) just loves Ducks. Duck was one of her first words and remains one of her favourite words. For this reason I have to say I would love to get my hands on some 10 Rubber Ducks by
Eric Carle for Andover Fabrics. Thanks for the chance to win
I would love to help your friends little girl out with a wish for her book. I don't have a scrap booking program but I am sure I can pull something together and make it into a PDF to send to you. Please email me the details. I think it is just a lovely idea. So very special.
I am a follower.
I love 'walk in the woods' by Aneela Hoey. Such cute fabric.
I would love to make a pdf with a wish and send her a jar of moonbeams. email me your details.
I'm a follower. I'm not sure what I will definitely buying as I'm trying so very hard not to right now, but my little girl would love the Busy Town A-Z and I really like Dear Mr. Claus.
I hope i win i have a broken arm and can't cut fabric just yet. I am a follower and i love the apple of my eye fabric
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