Last Saturday I finished up Miss M's 100 Good Wishes Quilt top but didn't get the chance to take a picture until yesterday afternoon. When my new quilt model aka the hubby leaves the house early and doesn't get home until dark, it makes it a bit difficult to get the photos done. So sorry about the not perfect picture but he was cranky (out half the night on a fire department call) and he kept telling me that he was cold (the wind was blowing quite a bit). I guess he needs some training on how to me a proper quilt model (No 1 rule: no complaining allowed).

I do love the way this turned out. The border fabric does achieve the look that I was hoping for. Though just the right print/colors was very hard to find, it was well worth the extensive hunt. It makes the pinks and greens (which are the future owner's favorite colors) in the squares pop.
Tomorrow it will be delivered to the trusting hands of my long arm quilter magician to work her wonders. I can't wait to add the final stitch and send it on its way to its forever home.
love the quilt.
You need a design wall :-)
that's what I use to show off my quilts, when it's a completede quilt I pin it to the design wall, if it's a top it'll stick by itself against the batting
Great finish - congrats!
I just read what the quilt was all about and how this type of quilt inspired to you become a quilter (so I'm slow) - wow! Double congratulations on such a wonderful project completed.
ohhh how fun this one is...and you inspire me my dear
Wow just a beautiful quilt...whomever the person receiving it is they will just love it...congrats....
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