Sunday, December 28, 2014

Stunning Stitchin Sunday - the final one for 2014

It's late but at least I got this post done. This is the final one for this year. All in all I managed to do 40 Stunning Stitchin Sunday series posts this year and I don't think that is too shabby at all.  I've decided that I'll definitely continue this series in 2015 though I may not post as often.  I'm continuing to discover new-to-me quilters and I love sharing the beautiful work that I find.
These posts may not get a lot of comments but from my stats I know that they get a lot of views and those that have written have told me how it inspires them and has helped them to discover new-to-them bloggers to follow too. So for this last Sunday of 2014, here is today's showcase.  Enjoy!

3 of you added your own colorful comments:

Dorian said...

I always enjoying looking at your stunning Stitching posts, thanks so much. Very inspiring.

http://thankfullga447 said...

I just love the colors and your stunning work. Blogs are a journal for myself and every once in awhile I will let people know I have a blog. I think it looks good on a resume.

Ivory Spring said...

Thank you for showcasing the beautiful quilts. I hope you have had a great Christmas, and New Year blessings to you and yours for 2015!